Don't mess with (Y/n)! (Giant Antisepticeye x Tiny Reader)

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NuclearSugarBomb requested a Antisepticeye X Reader, so here it is! Enjoy!

(Warning, this chapter contains fearplay and vore, so if you don't like either of those things, please don't continue.)

I lay on the center of Dark's bed and sigh, waiting for him to come home. He left not even two minutes ago, so I really didn't have anything to do until he got back. Dark found me once in the woods, I was on the edge of death and he saved me, not even a year later he still keeps an eye out for me. We've became best friends, and I've never thought that a Demon could be so, gentle. I sit there and think about the most random things, until I heard a thud. With instinct, I hid under Dark's pillow and peeked out the corner.

Just as I guessed, I saw his bedroom door bursts open, and Anti stomping in. His whole body was glitching, and he looked like he was about to break some stuff. Out of fear, I hid deeper under the pillow's and listened as he threw objects across the room, yelling in frustration. It takes awhile before I hear him stomp closer to the bed. I squeak in fear as he throws the pillows across the room. His angered expression suddenly soothes as his eyes meet mine. 

"(Y/n)...." He cooes, picking me up by my ankle.

I squeak and flail my arms around, feeling all of the blood flow to my head. He chuckles and shakes me a bit, making me go dizzy.

"S-stop!" I shout, making him laugh.

"Awww, poor (Y/n), nobody here to help you, if only Dark can come save you once again!" He makes a pouty face and tosses me in the air. I land back into his hand, only for him to make a fist.

I yell out in pain as he squeezes his fist. My head was the only thing that was showing, and my arms were pinned tightly against my sides. He cackles and continues to toy with me, enjoying every second of my suffering.

"Your master has made a mistake and made me very angry by taking something that was mine, and now, I think I might just take something that is his..." he cackles while licking his lips.

(Start of vore)

He pinches the back of my shirt with his thumb and his index finger and slowly lifts me up over his gaping maw. I scream and try my best to grab a hold of his fingers, but to no avail, nothing worked.

He lowers me halfway inside his mouth and acts as if he were to bite. I scream and squeeze my legs and arms into my body as tight as I can. He lifts me back up and laughs, his eyes showing pure enjoyment of my suffering.

"I love toying with you little things, you guys make the most scared faces!!!" He chuckles. "But my mommy always said not to play with my food." And with that, he carelessly lifts me up in the air and drops me, allowing me to enter the black hole.

"Anti!!!" I gasp in fear. I knew he was bad, but I didnt know that we would go this far!!!

He pins my body to the top of his jaw and licks me constantly. I cry and try to struggle, but I couldn't get him to stop. After a while of teasing, he let his tounge lay flat in his mouth and lowered his jaw. Cold fresh air seeps around me as I try to crawl out of this tourchure. I was at his teeth when he took his finger and slowly pushed me to the back of his throat.

"Anti, stop! Please!!!" I cry out.

He moans in pleasure as I squirm around, trying to escape. He takes his finger out of his mouth and tilts his head back, allowing my body to slide deeper into his throat. Once I made it to the edge, he swallowed and let out a sigh, feeling relief wash over him.

I scream as the slimy flesh squeezes me down into a dark pit. I finally land with a splosh and look around. No, no, no!!! The hot air around me seemed to grow hotter and hotter. The heat slowly got the best of me, making me fall into a deep sleep.

(End of vore)

Third person P.O.V.

Dark walks into the house and shuts the door. The second he placed his keys down, he sniffed the air and wrinkled his nose. Something wasn't right. He ran up to his room and noticed how everything was messy. From scattered books to a flipped desk, Dark scanned the room, seeing the mess that was created.

"(Y/n)?" Dark yells out. He didn't get an answer, all he got was silence.

"(Y/n)!!! You better not be playing a trick on me!" Dark growled. He sniffed the air and noticed that the same smell was in his room, but only ten times stronger. He knew what has happened, and there could only be one person that was to blame, Anti.


Anti sits in his room peacefully, not a care in the world as he gently rubs his stomach. Sadly, the demons peace and quiet was inturupted as Dark slammed his door open.

"Whats gotten into you lad?" Anti asked cooly, not even careing to glance at the pissed man.

"Whats gotten into you, Anti!" Dark yells, already knowing the answer.

"Damn your good, how did you know?" Anti smirks.

"Let them go, NOW!!!" Darks voice seemed to glitch, the high pitched sound he always had surrounding him seemed to grow louder by the second.

"Calm down, i'm not hurting anybody, im just having a little fun!" Anti cooed, booping the irritated Demons nose. "Besides, you owe me from the other day, you should've seen this coming!"

"Just becaused your pissed because of what I did, doesn't mean you should drag them into this!!!"

"Well you should've been watching them more carefully." Anti growled.

And with that Dark grabbed Anti's wrist and used his other fist to punch Anti, knocking him out instantly.

"Thats what happens when you mess with (Y/n)..." Dark growled.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I slowly wake up and notice that I was no longer trapped in that hell hole. I look around to see that I was laying on Darks chest, his hand protectivly on top of me. I yawn and stretch my arms out,feeling Dark shift.

"Good, your awake." Dark smiles.

"Wheres Anti?" I asked. Yeah yeah, I know what Anti did was a jerky move, but I still worry about him, hes really ki d and all, but wjen he gets angry, he does sone really stupid stuff, sadly, this isn't the first time he thought scarfing me down was the answer...

"Oh, no need to worry, he's not allowed to come near you for a while now."

"You locked him out of the house again, did you..." I mushroom sigh, getting a chuckle in response.

"Yanno hes not a dog, right?" I giggle, getting a shrug fron the Demon.

"He sure acts like one. I also made him clean our room." With that said, I look around and noticed how the room seemed as if it was left untouched.

"Wow, your so nice." I roll my eyes and lay my head back down on his chest.

I feel his chuckle vibrate through his body and sigh as I feel him brush his finger up ans down my back in this soothing pattern until I fell into a deep sleep.

Boom, hope ya enjoyed! Sorry if there are any misspelled words, im trying my best to type out the story on my dumb arse phone, sooooo yeah!!! Luv u my sweets, and I will see ya in the next chappy!!! Buh bye!!!

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