Friends with him?! (Pred Antisepticeye x Tiny Reader)

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HaileyGriffin4 requested a Predator Anti x Tiny Reader, and I had an idea to make a part 2 to that one chappy of Anti I had earlier in my book thingy, so thought this was the perfect time to make it happen, so here ya'll are!!! Enjoy!!!


I sit on the table in the kitchen and cross my arms in a huff. Why of all the days did I have to be stuck at home with Anti?! Of course he learned his lesson from a few weeks ago, but Dark thought it would be a good idea that we should try to bond. Of course, I thought it should be the other way around, and have Dark and Anti try to get along, but of course I don't get the upper hand in any of these situations. Anti groans as he plops down at the other side of the table and glares at me. Of course, I glare back. We weren't the best of pals, but luckily we were able to manage to live with each other, well, thanks to Dark.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I thought I would be the one to break the silence. There was so much tension in the air, you would've been able to cut it with a butter knife. 

He shrugs his shoulders and looks at his claws, not seeming to care that I was even there. I huff out a breath of air and stand up. I wasn't going to deal with his mangy attitude all day, and quite frankly, I was more tough than he thinks I am!

"Look, i'm just as pissed as you about this whole situation that were in!" I yell, only for him to interrupt.

"Then why are we doing this?! Can't we just tell Dark that we hung out all day and go on with our lives?!" Anti growled.

"You out of all people would know that he would call us out for our bluff, hes not dumb." I sigh. Its like talking to a damn wall!

"Then what should we do today!" Anti slams his hand on the table and glares at me. I silently jump as his hand were only a few inches from me.

"Well, its not like I know, I thought Dark made a list!" I stutter.

He smirks in enjoyment as he noticed that I was hesitant to look him in the eye. I try to act tough, but its hard having a giant in arms reach, not to mention that he has the intent to kill, and he wouldn't hesitate. How am I not supposed to be slightly scared of that?!

"Well, lets look at the list, shall we?" Anti sarcastically cheers. He seems to look around and notice that there was a piece of paper on the fridge. He takes it off and scans his eyes over the paper. His face seems to cringe as every second passes. I just hope these things aren't as bad as Anti's face are showing...

"He expects us to dumb things like watch a movie, play some board games, and have a candle lit dinner!" Anti groans, running a hand down his face.

"God, please don't tell me he just planned us a date..." I mushroom sigh.

"God. He does have some sort of death wish coming his way!!!" Anti growls.

I mean, I couldn't blame Dark, he does try his best to plan our game nights every Thursday. He just has a romantic side of him, he can't just plan a day without some sort of romance sprinkled on top. Hell, when he worked at McDonald's, he wouldn't take his tux off when working, and he'd put a rose in every girls bag. And like always, every girl would either slap him, or stalk him. (Don't ask...)

"Well, whatever he has first on the list goes." I sigh.

"That is the board games."


-Half an hour later-

Anti growls in frustration as I continue to draw a cat. We were previously in the middle of a pretty aggressive game of Pictionary. And so far I was winning!

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