Mark, Jack and the Giant Beanstalk (Tiny Mark and Jack X Giant Reader)

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CheeseTasterGaming made a request of smol lil Mark and Jack and Big ol Reader! So enjoy!

I walk down the hall with my partner at my side. We were in the middle of eating our salads when I got a call to come to room 420 immediately.(Heh, 420) Seeing the room I was assigned to, I grab the clipboard full of paperwork that was in the slot on the front of the door. I quickly scan the papers and nod.

"Warning: Dangerous creatures ahead. If you are to check up on these subjects, be sure to do it alone." I mumble under my breath. Hmm, wonder what that means.

"Ethan, got anything on the species?" I ask, turning to my partner.

"Uhh, no, not that I've heard. All I know is that these things came in yesterday at 5:30 AM, and we already had two doctors loose their life to these-things." Ethan shuddered, thinking about those poor poor victims.

"It says right here that they must be some sort of parasite, but why on earth would they write that they only like it when one person is in there." I mutter.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll be fine!" Ethan smiles.

I chuckle and look at him as he blushes and pushes his glasses higher up his nose. I really think that Ethan was adorable. He's always been the kindest thing, and everybody enjoys to have his presence near them. He just makes everyone's job more-alive.

"Well, wish me luck!" I chuckle. I turn around to face the door, adjust my lab coat and open the door. I walk in to see nothing but a simple table sitting in the center of the room and a cage sitting on top.

"So much for dangerous..." I sigh, looking through the papers and making sure that this was the right room.

"Pssst! Over here!!!" I hear a small voice shout. I quickly look up and notice two little heads poke out from the cage. Curiosity got the best of me as I walk up and lean close to the cage. Sure enough, there was two small heads poking though the bars of the cage.

"Why hello there! Are you two, uhh-" I look at the paper and read their names, feeling dumb for not reading it earlier. "-Mark Fishbach and Sean Mclaughlin?"

"Yep!" The tan one cheered. Weird, why did they say that they were dangerous? They're adorable!

"Alright, I just need to give you both a checkup and I'll be out of your hair!" I smile.

I open the cage and gently set my palm out. The pale one decided to jump in my hand first as I take him out and shut the cage, leaving the other one in there.

"So, are you Mark or Sean?" I ask.

"The name is Sean, but you can call me Jack!" He smirks.

I smile and place him at the end of the table. I like these little guys, they're not half bad at all! I open up my little kit and pull out the stuff that I needed to complete the check up.

"So, tell me about yourself!" I ask as I check his eyes with a tiny flashlight.

"There's nothing much about us, were just two buds, really nothing important to go over." Mark butts in and sighs.

"What are you talking about? Everybody has something important about them." I smile, going on to the second half of the check up.

"Well, were really hungry and light headed." Jack pouts while rubbing his belly.

"Well, is there anything I can get you two?" I ask. I place my finger against his forehead to feel if he was just too hot. Just as I was about to touch his forehead, he grabs my finger and suddenly bites it.

"Hey!" I yelp in pain. He quickly lets go and looks down, ashamed.

"I'm sorry, but they don't ever feed us, well, not proper food exactly." Jack mumbles.

Oh, I get it! They're parasites, they need to drink blood to survive!

"I see, how bout you wait here and I'll get someone to get you something to eat!" I smile as I place Jack back in the cage and shut it.

"No!" They both yell in sync.


"We freak out when a lot of people are in the same room, we just-" Jack stops and shivers, seeming as if he were going through tons of flashbacks.

"-We just go bazerk, and it never ends pretty, we can't control it..." Mark finishes for him.

"I promise they won't come in!" I smile. They both hesitate and look at each other before staring back up at me while nodding.

I smile and slowly peek my head out of the door. Just like I thought, I saw Ethan being a doll and waiting for me to finish the check up. I tap him on the shoulder and make him jump.

"Hey Ethan, can you go get me some blood bags?" I ask.

"Blood-bags?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Shh! Yes, blood bags, two of them!" I shush him.

"Why do you need two-"

"I'll explain later, now just go get them! Hurry!" I smile and shut the door once again, hearing his footsteps go down the hall.

I walk back up to the small cage and smile, seeing the two nervously look at each other.

"Hey, its ok! I just need to check you Mark and then you'll get your meal!" I smile.

-A Few minutes later, brought to you by Warfstache-

"-and done!" I smile, placing Mark back into the cage.

Right on cue, I hear Ethan's knock on the door. Without hesitation, I quickly open the door to see that he had two blood bags in hand. I noticed that he barle hung onto them, as if they were going to bit them.

"Thanks Ethan, but you don't have to be afraid of them, they're not going to bite you!" I chuckle, referring to the bags of blood as I take them out of his hands.

"I know, blood just scares me..." He blushes and pushes his glasses up.

I chuckle and shut the door between us and look at the two parasites. I hold up the bags and notice how their eyes suddenly lit with passion.

"Wow! Is that for us?!" Mark asks, making me smile.

"Indeed it is!" I place the bags down and open the cage.

Without hesitation, both the parasites crawl out of the cage and bite into their own bag. It didn't even take them five minutes before they drank all of the blood. That seemed impossible! They were three times smaller than the bags, and they still were able to drink a pint of blood each!

"Wow, that's cool!" I chuckle.

They both look at me and smile, I could tell that they were comfortable around me, witch was good.

"Thanks for being kind and all." They both blush, making me smile.

"No problem, thats my job anyways!"

They ended up being some of my favorite patience. Hell, they even allowed Ethan to come in the room with me from time to time. I think we just made some new best friends!!!

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