The Late Show! (Giant Host x Tiny Reader)

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@AskTheMisfitsGT Asked for a Host x Reader, so here we are! Hope you enjoy this new chappy!!!

I was walking across the counter in look for food. I ended up running out of food and supplies last night, so I thought that now of all times would be the best to go and search. I've been living at this house for a little longer than a week, so I've discovered that the owner of the home called himself 'The Host' and he may or may not be blind? I don't know, but he walked right in the kitchen while I was borrowing and he didn't even notice me, also he has some sort of-thing, covering his eyes so I'm not sure! He seemed to be sitting at the dining table with a coffee cup in hand. He seemed to be mumbling something under his breath, but it didn't really seem to bother me. I continue to store food into my small sachet and notice how his speaking was getting louder and louder.

"The Borrower................ while they unknowingly assume that.......... they curiously wonder why..........." I couldn't quite understand what he was saying yet, I could only make out a few things.

I sigh and quickly pack up my bag. My small hole was on the other side of the counter, so I puffed out my chest to start on the incredible journey. I was almost half way across the counter and look over at the giant, and notice that he was staring right at me. I froze and watch as his mumbling gets louder and louder. I try quietly walking and watch as his whole head follows my every move. How did he know where I was?

"They stare at the host in utter horror, wondering how did he know that they were there. Although they didn't particularly like that the host was narrating their every move, they seemed amused at his unnatural talent." The Host narrates.

Wait, what?! How is he doing that?! I quickly try to scurry to my small hole and stare at him once again.

"The funny thing about the small borrower is that The Host has always noticed that they were there. Although they have been excellent at hiding who they are, they still forgot that The Host might of been different than the others. The Host seemed to be the only one in his kind, but it never bothered him." He then stands up and walks right over to me.

How did he know I've been here?! He didn't seem to be a predator, he didn't have any fangs, so, how was he supposed to sense me? I slowly back up and trip over my own foot. He seemed to reach down and catch me, as If he knew that I was going to fall!

"The borrower was about to ask how The Host knew that they were there, and how he knew they were about to fall, but sadly, The Host beat them to the question. The Host has the ability to sense things around him at all times, and The Host is also able to glimpse into the future, so his narration could be more descriptive, and much more predicted," He then sighs and lifts me up to where I was level to his face. "but sadly, with great power, comes great responsibility. The Host has had his vision taken away from him, but he didn't really didn't seem to care for the matter, knowing that he only cares for who someone is as an individual, not for their looks."

I couldn't help but think that his was his way of saying that he wasn't going to hurt me in anyway. I blushed and slowly grab onto his finger and hug it.

"Why do you refer to yourself in third person?" I ask.

"Not only has The Host's eye sight got taken away from him, they also took away his ability to refer to himself in first person. Once again, he didn't really seem to be bothered by this." He explains.

"Who are 'they'?" I ask. He seemed to refer to someone or something as 'they', so I wasn't really sure if I should've asked or not.

He responds to me with a light chuckle and sighs, "There is no need for the young borrower to know who 'they' are, The Host tells them politely, as if he were protecting them from a danger that The Host doesn't want them to be dragged in." He narrates.

That explains a lot. I was now understanding a lot more until I felt something brush down my back. Was he-petting me? I instantly relax in his hand and allow him to slowly brush his finger up and down my back.  He quietly hums and smiles, he seemed to enjoy making me calm.

"The Host enjoys having the small borrower in his presence. He's really lonely, so having them around seemed to make things worth while. But the Borrowers word is that if they were to be caught, they must leave to find a new home to scavenge at, but The Host would be lonely once again." He sighs.

He was asking if I could stay with him! I place my finger on my chin to think. He was being nice to me, and hasn't tried hurting me. Not to mention how much harder it would be finding a new home to borrow at, and how much easier it would be now that he knows that I'm here. Well, he always knew I was here? I just don't really have to sneak around anymore. I look up at him and notice that he was facing me, waiting for an answer. I had an idea and quickly stood up.

"The borrower gladly accepts The Hosts invite to live here!" I try to narrate.

The Host lifts his head up and laughs, he was happy!

"The Host appreciates that the Borrower tried to talk like him, but he must say that they should leave it for the professionals." He smirks.

I'm just glad that he wasn't one of those giants that like to stomp on borrowers, but I think he's gonna give me a lesson or two about narrating, witch I would gladly take the foot it that ever happens...

Authors Note:

HOLY HECK GUYS!!! I woke up this morning to 1.04K READERS!!!!! THIS MADE MY DAY, AND FOR SURE THE REST OF MY WEEK!!!!! Thank you guys for making this a thing, this is no longer my story, but all of our story!!!! Yoi guys make this possible, and if it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't be continueing this book of short stories!!! Injist want to tell you how much I appreciate you guys for taking your time to read these!!! Anyway, I don't want to take anymore of your time! Ima go and get educated at school! SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPPY!!!!

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