Black Friday

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My best friend has been driving for a couple years now.

She told me often of how her father forced her on the road

Screaming, shouting, fuming hot air in her face until her eyes watered

And that morning she snips my budding contempt

For the new car which does not react fast enough.

Mama's baby girl, born with a silver spoon in her mouth, spoiled rotten

Show some gratitude!

We go in on Black Friday and she buys twice as much as I do.

It is outrageously hot for November.

The parking lot is packed to the gills.

I sweat and shiver and shake, as if in a fever

While the cars speed along a road wide as the Nile.

I have never driven this far from home before.

When the policeman takes my license, she looks over his shoulder

Remarking that I have only been driving for three months

And I've already wrecked my brand new car

That does not react fast enough.

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