King of the Mountain Redux

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On the mountain, it snows in autumn,

Where do the leaves go from the trees?

Only ask the king of the mountain.

Spring only brings the hot summer days,

And summer only sends the rain,

What is there that can soothe life's pain?

Only ask the king of the mountain.

The wind whistles down the plain,

The wind blows like a faraway train,

It's something that I can never explain.

Why does the world seem so cruel to you?

When all the answers that you seek,

Can be found at the mountain's peak,

Just ask the king of the mountain.

The storm won't go,

The wind only grows,

Oh, the wind, it blows,

All the doors have been closed.

He's out there somewhere,

You can't reach him here,

Not a thing, not a man,

He's the king of the mountain.

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