Me and Michael

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They introduced me to you as a wolf in sheepskin.
Is it irony then
that you are the safest of men?
You'd rather slit your wrists than do harm
A millstone round his neck and cast into the sea—
Between you and me, I'll always believe you.
You came to me like a dream
A single moment, a smile
you and your boyish wiles
I am bursting with the bright light of
Girlish, foolish love
But I was so, so afraid
to grow up.
A ghost can't hurt me
Lying in a misty embrace
Listening to you talk about
The sea, music and me
I feel so bad, I feel really bad
God music makes me feel good
Starlines, heartlines, flatlines
And then, you taught me how to dance...
Oh, I look back now
with cheeks reddening, wondering
how it was I thought myself in love
With you, two years dead
And your daughter a year older than me
But then, I don't regret it
Because you were good to me
As I saw fit.
No worries, baby.
I love you more.

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