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It couldn't have been more than 2 am when the scan picked up a pair of heat signatures besides their own and set off the alarm. "paladins suit up and move out."  Allura and Coran whispered through the coms trying to track the intruders.

They rushed to pull on armor and grab their weapons. The once peaceful halls filled with hushed footsteps. "Split up. Hunk and Keith will take the right. Pidge, you and Lance will take center and I'll go left. Keep your coms open and be alert." Shiro told them blinking the sleep from his eyes.

Pidge was drowsy, the lack of sleep seeming to catch up to her. Lance however was wide awake. In fact it seemed like he had been for a while.

The team split up down their halls carefully watching for signs of movement. Lance paused stopping Katie in her tracks. He motioned to his ears and tapped his lips in a listen and be quiet motion. Just down the hall hastily hidden behind a pillar was a soldier and a sentry.

Not a second was wasted as Lance shot the sentry and trained his Bayard on the person.

"Please come out with your hands in the air." He said sternly earning a surprised look from Pidge.

The soldier froze cursing under their breath but complied. They tugged the hood lower over their face. "Place any weapons on the floor." Pidge said.

"You shot my weapon," the person mumbled. Definitely female.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe." he snarked. "Please remove your hood," Lance told her taking another step closer.

"Fine, Fine." Removing the disguise a girl with pink impish features trained her blue and yellow eyes on Lance.

"Who are you?" Pidge asked. Something about her was familiar.

"My name? But that would ruin the mystery!" She giggled.

"Pidge call the others."

"On it," Nothing but static filled their ears. "Communications are jammed! What did you do?" The green paladin pointed at the chick who leaned lazily against the wall.

"I dunno," she shrugged laughing a little bit.
Looking down at a weird watch on her wrist she frowned. "I would love to stay and chat but I still got a mission to complete." Before anymore questions could be asked Lance blocked a dart from hitting Pidge in the back.

Behind them another masked person took aim again. "you're late Axca!" The pink chick snickered flipping gracefully towards Pidge. They launched into some odd form of fighting.

"Yeah Yeah lets just grab one and go."

"What the quiznack!" Pidge yelped defending herself from the onslaught of kicks.

"It's like we're dancing!"

"Ezor focus," Axca demanded. With a nod Ezor pulled out an almost taser like weapon reaching for the green paladin.

Lance grunted in distaste glaring at ezor. "Leave her alone." he blocked the first strike and the third. Again and again he defended the sluggish Pidge.

When she tried again Lance hissed, "Don't fucking touch her!" He missed and the weapon struck Pidge on the leg. She collapsed with a yelp; Smoke and blood pooling on the floor.

"Pidge!"Lance growled his gun morphing into pistols. He fired hitting Axca in the side turning swiftly to shoot ezor in the leg. Axca sunk the the floor her gun slipping away from her hands. With both distracted or unconscious he ran to Pidge and took off his helmet .

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