Chapter 1

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Day 1: Thursday

Sitting in class yet again, waiting on another one of Mrs. Crick's glorious lectures on how "wonderful" the English language is. Blech. She makes me sick, along with the rest of the staff and student body.

You all may be wondering who I am, right? Well, I'm Desdemona, Dessie for short. I'm 17 years old and I live in the small, suburban town of Wattersfield, Florida. Now I may seem like a normal 17 year old for this generation, smoking pot, drinking, going to parties, but trust me you couldn't be anymore wrong. For you see I am a werewolf. The last of my kind in Florida. It does get lonely yes but what could I do? There's no one else around for miles, so you see I'm stuck being alone.

As I left my last class and packed up for home my best friend and childhood trouble maker, Amaris, came running up. "Dessie!" She called out "Dessie how could you!?" "What did I do!?" I screamed as she backed me against my locker. "How dare you leave me all alone! Why didn't you tell me before!!" "Before what? What nonsense are you spewing out now?" "Why didn't you tell me you had to move!?" "What!? What are you talking about Amaris?" "Your mom was just in the dean's office, she said how you were moving and that she needed your transcripts to get you into the new school." "She what!? Is she still there!?" "No she already left. So wait you mean to say you didn't know?" "No!! Why do you think I was as surprised as you!?" She giggled, "Oh yeah..." I sighed heavily "I'm gonna kill my mother when I get home. I just can't believe she hid this from me!" "I know, I'm gonna miss you!" "I'm gonna miss you too, I've lived here my entire life, you've been there for me through every speck of it all, as well. I just can't believe I'm gonna move..." My heart sunk to my stomach at the thought of a new town, new people, not knowing who I can and can't trust... It was frightening. "Amaris I gotta go, I need to talk with my mother." "I'm coming with you!" "No Amaris, for once I have to do this on my own." "Dessie you're practically my sister, family looks out for family. So I'm coming with!" She was always so persistent. I sigh and reply, "Fine, but don't butt into until I give you the word. Ok?" "My lips are sealed!"

We scurried out of the school and ran back to my house. As I approached the door I reminded Amaris about our earlier arrangement. I turned and ran through the door. "Mom!!! Mom where are you!?!" I screamed throughout the house. "I'm in the basement!" I finally heard her reply. I ran down the stairs and stopped next to her. "Why didn't you tell me!? Why'd you keep it a secret!?" "What are you taking about, dear?" "Why didn't you tell me we are gonna move!?" She gulped and kept quiet. Sadly she explained herself. "I didn't plan on it at first. I tried my hardest to find a decent job and keep the house, but since your father died I couldn't afford the bills. So I had no choice." "Why didn't you tell me any sooner mom?" "I wanted you to enjoy your last days here. Are you mad?" "No, I'm not." I sadly moan out. "You're my mom, and wanted me to be happy. There's no crime in that." She smiled and hug me. "So how long do I have left?" "Three weeks. I actually planned to tell you on Saturday but, heh, the cat's out of the bag." She smiled, half embarrassed. I looked to Amaris and she looked back at me, which showed that she felt the same pain I did. My mother knew what was up she smiles and said, "Dessie I know of your pain, which is why I will allow you to have a giant going away party next weekend. And since you smoke I will allow pot and alcohol, but if I find out my rules aren't respected I will not allow you to see Amaris until the day of the move, understood?" Fear took over as I croaked out a shaky "yes". Amaris looked at me with fright and hugged me tight. "We can't let anything go wrong." She whispered in my ear. "I know." I whispered back, grabbing onto her shoulders as if my life depended on it.

Day 8: Friday

With the party quickly approaching, and the constant stress of the move I was an emotional wreck. I cried constantly and had horrible anger, my mother actually almost put me away. So Amaris and I decided that it would be best to have a girl's day. My mother called me out and left for work while Amaris and I decided we should smoke some herb. We made our way down to the basement, which was remodeled into my room. I ground up the bud and packed a big bowl, while she decided to put on some Breaking Benjamin, a rock band favorite we shared. As the smoke filled the room we began to recall old memories. The beautiful high began to calm me. "Thanks Amary, I don't know what I'd do without you. God I wish I didn't have to move!" "Hey hey, don't get worked up." She paused, "Here, maybe this would help." She said as she pulled out the biggest bottle of Captain Morgan and Jack Daniel's I've ever seen. "Amary you are a god!" I said chuckling and scarfing down the Jack. "Hey now don't drink it all!" She exclaimed teasingly, yanking the bottle away.

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