Chapter 25 - Ends of the Earth

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Flying at great speed, Ramiro could hear the wind rushing past him and his steed. Uriad continues to flap its magical wings of flame. Ramiro looks left and right in anticipation that one of the Gods of Misery would catch up to their position. The Conqueror grips the Sword of Meirotzia tightly in his right hand, ready to engage in battle at any moment.

Heading south from City of Suruprem, the warrior and his steed begin to soar over the seemingly endless grasslands of the Central Plains. From his position, Ramiro gazed across the vastness of the earth. Upon the back of Uriad, the Conqueror cannot help but experience a feeling of awe as he stared miles and miles in every direction.

This moment of wonder is short lived as Ramiro sees a rush of motion out of the corner of his left eye. He looks to see what it could be, and all of a sudden, Urusaiin, God of Panic, appears before him and Uriad.

 He looks to see what it could be, and all of a sudden, Urusaiin, God of Panic, appears before him and Uriad

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The god stands on the very air itself with his hands balled up into fists and with his cloak flapping in the wind. Ramiro smiles as he and Uriad close in on the god's position. He pulls the sword back and readies for a strike.

Ramiro yells out to the God of Panic, "You've managed to catch up with us! Very good! You will be the first giant I slay on this day!"

With those words, Ramiro lets out a fierce battle cry as he flicks the reins on Uriad's neck. The battle steed increases its flight speed, and the two charge towards Urusaiin.

Watching his opponents advance towards him, Urusaiin utters, "You still fail to realize that you have no hope against the Supreme Six."

With the gap closing between them, Urusaiin strikes at Ramiro with a fierce right punch of his fist. Uriad gracefully dodges the blow and flies around the giant's fist. Ramiro slashes at the giant's hand and wrist, drawing blood from his opponent.

The God of Panic releases a grunt of pain as he strikes at Ramiro with a left punch, but Ramiro and Uriad dodge the giant's blow and counterattack once again. Urusaiin then clasps his hands together above his head, and brings down a double hammer fist strike upon Ramiro.

Ramiro and Uriad are forced to make a backwards maneuver in order to dodge the heavy strike. Uriad flaps its wings of flame and brings the two of them out of the range of the giant's blow.

They have barely a moment to regain a level position in the air before a giant crow comes out of nowhere and clamps its beak down onto Uriad and Ramiro. Luckily for the two of them, Uriad is able to flap its wings of flame and narrowly escape the giant crow's strike.

Ramiro flicks the reins, and Uriad takes off again in flight as the giant crow chases them. Having to maneuver wildly in the air, Uriad is just barely able to escape each strike of the giant crow's beak. Ramiro slashes at the beak, but the counterattacks seem useless against the beak's hard exterior.

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