5| Fun

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Never in a million years would Lauren have hitchhiked and jumped into strangers' vehicles for a ride. Having Gambit with her and knowing he was a capable fighter helped her uncertainty. Him being immediately likable and charming to the drivers who picked them up helped ease everyone. All gave his strange eyes a look, but once he started talking with them—and probably using his ability of charisma—they seemed to forget about his uniqueness as the vehicles filled with laughter.

The drivers that would pick them up dropped them off at gas stations or towns where they could find food, a motel, and another ride. Their first night staying in a motel was uncomfortable on Lauren: the cheap wallpapered walls were thin, allowing them to hear the sexual pleasures of the couple next door, the threadbare carpet smelled of mold and she didn't want to imagine what caused it to be stained, and there was only one lumpy bed. On seeing her discomfort, Gambit offered to sleep on the floor, but she didn't like the idea of him laying down there—she cringed when walking across it and heard a squishing sound—so they shared the bed.

To throw off pursuit, they first headed south on I-57 to Kanakee; once there, Lauren withdrew all the money in her debit card—138 dollars—then continued down for Gilman. There, they turned straight east and headed for Indianapolis.

Within three days, they had traveled 104 miles. They planned to either reach Maine or, if they felt uneasy, attempt to cross the border into Canada.

The night in Lafayette, Illinois, Lauren jolted upright at the movement in the bed; her eyes struggled to make out Gambit moving toward the window lit up with strobing blue lights—police. Did Nitall find them?

"Remy?" she whispered, fear making her question barely louder than a puff of air.

He didn't respond as he lifted the thin curtains with a finger to look. Blinding light spilled into the room and highlighted his face. Gambit watched for a second before his alarmed posture relaxed as he sighed with relief.

"A drug bust; they're not after us."

She, too, released a heavy breath as he let the curtain fall back into place and returned to the bed.

"God, that scared me."

"Don't worry so, chérie; I can blow the wall so you can escape." He slid back under the scratchy covers. "I'm sure the proud owners of this fine establishment will understand."

She laughed, helping to calm her shaking. "They'd be too mad to try to understand at you blowing up their questionable business here." She looked at him, hoping he could see the gratefulness in her eyes. "I don't know how far I would make it without you."

"And why do you think I'd let you go alone? I'd be running with you; I'm not staying behind. Don't make me out to be a hero, amour."

"I think you are. I owe you a lot, Remy."

Gambit was quiet for a while. She couldn't tell what emotions played in his eyes, for they blended in with the darkness. The charming mutant covered whatever he felt by smiling.

"You don't owe me anything, amour."

"Yes, I do; you saved me from Nitall and you're continuing to save me by taking me with you. So, what do you want?"

He denied her again; she continued to ask what he wanted. She wasn't going to give in.

"Well, since you're so adamant about paying me back, and I'm not one to resist cashing-in, I'll let you." He lay back down, ending the discussion. "But give me some time to come up with your payment."

A small victory, but still. Lauren lay back down with a smile on her lips, not concerned about the possibilities of her payment—she'd gladly fulfill it, especially if it was a kiss.

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