7| Jolt of Betrayal

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Even with the soft mattress, clean sheets, and the comfort of familiar smells, Lauren had trouble sleeping. She tossed and turned all night—once she vaguely remembered searching for Gambit. After reminding herself he was only downstairs, she rolled back over and, fortunately, found some rest. She had slept better in the woods with Gambit holding her than here.

Lauren didn't get the sleep she wanted, but the shower was divine. The warm water massaged her constantly tensed body and the calming scent of the floral shampoo and moonlight body wash relaxed her. Bathing with not-stolen shampoo and soap made it even more freeing. She wanted to stay in there forever, but she forced herself to finish and get out—her parents might begin to wonder why she's taking such a long bath.

She relished the moment of brushing and drying her hair and took the time to apply a fresh coat of mascara. They weren't hurried or looking over their shoulder, so she could indulge a little. Since her mom had washed her clothes last night—Gambit's too—she actually got to wear a clean set of clothes.

Coming downstairs, she found Gambit sitting at the dining table listening to her father; both had a cup of coffee in their hands. She turned to the kitchen to find her mother sipping a cup of coffee and reading a novel on her Kindle.

"Morning sunshine," she greeted. "I wondered when you were ever going to come down."

Lauren stifled a yawn. "Sorry; I must've been really tired. Did I sleep in that late?"

"Not too late; Remy did too. We figured you two were exhausted from your trip and walking here, so we decided to let you sleep." She closed her tablet and got up from the stool. "Go ahead and sit; I'll get you some breakfast."

She sat at the counter and talked with her mom as she whipped up some eggs and fried some ham. Eva informed her that they couldn't leave until Abby and Paul showed up—they wanted to see them off. Along with the plate of scrambled eggs and a slice of cooked ham, Eva also toasted some bread and, including jelly, set it all before her. After spreading some strawberry jelly on her toast, she set to eating; Lauren would miss having filling meals like this when she and Gambit got back on the road.

Speaking of that handsome devil, he sat on the stool beside her when her father had risen to refill his mug.

"Sleep well, amour?" he asked.

She couldn't tell him the truth, that 'not really because he wasn't beside her'; she went on a half-truth instead. "Mostly. You?"

"Mostly," he said with a grin at her as he took a drink.

She wondered why he hadn't been able to sleep. Whatever his reason, he kept it to himself for her question was written plainly on her face.

"Keep your secrets, then. By the way, we can't leave until Abby and Paul get here," she told him.

He nodded. "Your mother's already warned me."

After finishing breakfast and visiting with her parents more, her sister had yet to arrive. To pass the time waiting for Abby and Paul to get there, she and Gambit decided to play poker.

"Do we really have to go?" she asked.

Gambit chuckled. "I'm afraid so."

"Boo," she pouted; he chuckled again.

"Lollipop, can you come in here?" her father called from the kitchen.

She laid her hand down and got up. "Don't cheat by looking at my cards."

"Why cheat? I already know you hold three hearts, and a king and queen of diamonds."

Lauren looked back at him in shock; Gambit held up his hand. "These are my cards, remember?"

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