Chapter 1 - someone that cares

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A/N: the picture above is how Chester looks. Hope you enjoy the story!

Chester's P.O.V
Just another day at that hellish school. Another day for me to be beaten up and called a 'faggot' or a 'loser'. I don't know for how much longer I can't take it. I really don't. Even the cutting isn't doing it anymore. I can't relieve my pain with blades anymore. I think I'll have to try heavier drugs besides pot, maybe cocaine will do it, or heroin. I don't know, I'm kind of scared of abusing too much and overdosing. This is not my goal, at least not for now.

And here I am, walking through the hallways. I reached my locker and like always, Caleb is waiting for me with that evil grin on his face. I don't get the reason why he loves to see me suffer so much, but he does. He grabbed my hoodie and pulled it off revealing my blonde spiky hair. Caleb lifted me, pressing me against the lockers.

"Oh, look if it's not the loser!" Caleb said with a laugh and the people around us laughed as well. He gave me a punch in the stomach that made me squirm.

Caleb let me lay on the ground while other kids gave me kicks. One hit my lip ring, making my mouth bleed, another hit my back making me cry in pain, but one last kick hit my head so hard making me scream from pain, attracting more attention. A guy with black spiky hair was staring at me with a sad expression stamped across his face. He was wearing black sweat pants and a red t shirt with a little green symbol. He noticed I was looking at him and looked away, he fixed his gaze in Caleb and it seemed like he was getting angry. He finally walked away and I was there all alone again. Until I felt a hand in my shoulder, I shivered and curled up in a ball waiting for the punch that never came.

"Hey, you don't have to be afraid, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not like those idiots." A soft voice reached my ears and I opened my eyes to look at him. It was the guy who was staring at me with that sad face.
"I brought some paper towels for you... you know... for the blood." He handed me the paper towels with a shy smile and for some reason his ears were a bit red. He looked adorable. I smiled back.

"Th-thanks" I managed looking at the ground and wiping de blood away from my nose and mouth. I removed my lip ring to clean the blood and the guy looked surprised.

"It's not pierced?! I always thought it was a piercing." He said very surprised. I laughed softly.

"My father would never let me put a piercing on. He doesn't even know that I have those fake ones." I explained and he nodded, still smiling. He was really attractive. What?! Why am I thinking those things?! He's definitely not gay. I have no chance with him.

"Uh... are you ok? You seem a bit out of it." He said looking confused. I was staring at him and I can tell that I licked my lips.

"Oh yeah... I'm alright... aren't you gonna be late for class?" I said changing the subject and scratching my nape.

"Well yes, but so are you!" He said. I smiled.

"But I am always late."

"I'm never late, so one time won't affect me. Come on. Let me help you get up." He said reaching for my wrist and I pulled my arm from his grip making him jump. I regretted as soon as I pulled away but he couldn't know about the cutting. He would think I'm a freak if he knew abou it.

"I'm sorry... it's just... I wasn't expecting that... sorry..." I managed looking at his shoes.

"It's alright I guess..." he said a bit embarrassed, putting his hand around his own neck. His face reddened. I got up on my own but my leg was hurting so bad that I fell over him. He caught me before I could land with my face on the floor.

"Wow! Are you sure you're alright?"

"It's my leg. I think it's just a temporary thing. You don't have to worry... I had worse days." His face fell and his hand turned into fists.

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