Chapter 3 - suspension

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Chapter 3 - suspension

Chester's POV

Later on that day me and Mike were asked to go to the principal's room. He gave us a four day suspension for "hurting other students and skipping a class". As always, Tristan and Caleb got out of this issue unharmed. This was something that made me mad but I wasn't worried about it right now. I was worried in how my father would beat the shit out of me for getting a suspension.

I got home at the usual time and my father wasn't there yet. He would arrive at 8p.m, probably drunk. Mike walked all the way to my house with me. We talked about so many stuff and I found out he likes music.
Music is like my escape from reality and it seems to be his too.

He knows how to draw very well, he's even shown me a couple drawings he made. He's really talented. I thought about showing my song drafts but gave up on this idea. They're not good at all.

I told him about my favorite bands and he also likes led zeppelin. He likes rap music too. He's so nice and talented. I wish I could be like him.


Mike's POV

Chester is just so perfect! He has a passion for music just like me. I feel like we could really work out well together. He lives just three blocks away from me so I can walk him to his house every day. He seemed concerned about going home though. I think he's hiding something from me and it's not something good maybe I'm just overreacting but I feel shit's going to happen. Should I pass by his house and ask him over? Will he think I'm too clingy? I should just stay home for tonight. I'll have four days off anyway.

I started to draw Chester's face but all I could think about was the pain he carried on his own. He's never had anyone to lean on, anyone to care about him or protect him. I would do that for him no matter what. I dropped my pencil over the draft of his beautiful features and walked down to his home.


Chester's POV

I heard the doorbell ring and jogged to the plain white door. I opened and smiled when I saw who it was.

"Mikey!" I hugged him in an impulse. It was weird how comfortable I felt with him, knowing that I met him this morning, and he seemed to be comfortable either. Maybe this friendship was just meant to be.

"Hey Chaz!" He laughed softly as he returned the hug.

"What're you doing here?" I broke the hug and looked into his deep brown eyes still smiling. He just made me so happy.

"Didn't like the surprise?" He asked faking a sad expression.

"Of course I liked it! I loved it actually! But why did you decided to come all of a sudden?"

"I don't know... guess I just missed ya." He said and poked my stomach making me laugh.

"Wanna come in?"

"Actually I was thinking about going out... we could go to the park." He passed his fingers through his black mane shyly. Sometimes he was just so nervous around me.

"Like a date?" I teased him but he seemed to tense up.

"N-no! Course not! Like buddies you know... nothing gay..." he said quickly and put his hand on the back of his neck. He was indeed nervous.

"It's ok, dude. I was just teasing you." I explained and grabbed a black jacket. I needed some fun before my dad arrived.


Mike's POV

We went to Lincoln Park. It was a really nice place. All the way there was quiet except for some jokes Chester threw. I was still unsettled about the joke he made earlier about us going on a date. Did he know about my sexuality? Did he know I crushed him for two years and still do? Those thoughts were shoved off my head when a hand touched my lower back making me quiver.

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