Shadows by Moonlight

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####Chris POV ####

We walked up the steps, our feet clattering and scraping along the aged concrete. I looked down to see my little sister squeezing my hand and clutching her little toy lab in her spare arm. She began to giggle and her black curls bounced every jump she took up each step. Once we reached a giant door, her face went blank. Great iron hinges spread along the worn wooden panels, creating swirls that made it seem like it had been once shrouded in vines.

"Boo, why we here?" she asked, her chin quivering in worry.

"I dunno," I said looking up to the intricate lock. I gazed to my father. My 10 year old body was no match in size for his massive 30 year old body.

"We've been called here. To see someone very important," he said reaching for the door knocker.




The door creaked open. No one stood there and all that we could see was a small white hallway.

We followed it.

I looked to my right to find my father missing.

We continued down it.

The endlessness, the continuing never ending passage was enough to drive someone to madness.

Arms wrapped around my chest and a hand blocked me from screaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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