Chap. 23. A beating

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Chapter 23

Once we are done at the carnival I head over to feed Rosie then we are going to leave. I feed her and on of the boy riders from today approaches me Tobias left to go call the car outside.

I pretend I don't notice him but soon he is standing blocking the door to Rosie's stable "oh umm hi"I say confused at him. He is tall and muscular like Tobias but not as near as handsome as Tobias I remember him as Al a few years ago he beat up someone for winning the cattle tying and him losing it's the only thing he can do at the rodeo and has to leave the day after.

Hey just wanted to say your gonna pay"he snarls "pay for what " I ask trying to act confused but in the inside I know I have to run I won't be able to fight against him" you know what for beating me now your going to get a beating" he demands ,

I see a free space to the door and run but he grabs my arm pulling me back. I scream hoping Tobias will hear. He punches me in the stomach then in the nose I scream again and again trying to fight back.

I think this has more to do with me turning him down last year when he asked me out than me winning cause he lost the years in between the last incident. I scream again and hear someone yell

"hey drop her" it's a deep voice I lay motionless on the floor in to much pain to do anything but lay there I hear kicks and punches also groans of pain. Once the groans stop I see someone standing over me . Tobias.

"Oh my god tris are you ok?" He ask crouching by my head. I just groan in response he carefully lifts me and folds me in his arms.

The last thing I remember before I black out was the gentle swaying which could only mean Tobias was carrying me.

Tobias/four pov

After I finally got tris back to the hotel I laid her down on the bed and went and got a wash cloth to start cleaning her wounds I also got dissolve able ttylonol and placed it in her mouth.

I started washing her hands and arms when she jerks awake. By grabbing my arm yelling "stop get away!!" In a few seconds she's in tears I gently rock her back and forth until she calms some .

I continue to wash her wounds only a few cuts the rest will be bruises. "What happened?" She finally asks" a guy said his name was al tried to beat up you up I don't know why though I'm guessing you do though " I say .

She replay me what happened between her and him last year also what he has done before. I tuck her into bed and go change into yoga pants and no shirt then I lay down on the bed next to tris and go to sleep with my arm wrapped around her.

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