(not so) sweet beginning

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"Yoonie can you hurry up and get your ass down here? We'll be late!" heard already stressed Yoongi while putting his grey jacket on.
A grimace on his face spoke for himself that he didn't want to go there, but he knew that if he won't do what Jaemin wants him to do, he'll be totally fucked.
What probably means no sex for a week or even longer. A real tragedy indeed.
"I'm coming babe, just calm down" he shouted to his mad fiance and loudly sighed taking the last long look into the mirror and telling himself to chill a bit.
It couldn't be that bad, right?


There was also the other side of the mirror as everyone could guess.

„JIMIN WHAT THE HELL, WAKE UP IT'S ALMOST AFTERNOON" was the first thing mad Jimin heard right after waking up „jesus fuckin christ what do you want from me woman?" he loudly sobbed and wiped his eyes with fists.
"Watch your mouth, Jimin. You need to clean the house. You forgot what's the day today? Your brother brings his fiance here! Ah, I can't wait to get to know this boy. Jaemin always tells me how amazing he is and all these stuff, I hope you'll like him too."
"Yeah I don't fuckin think so, to be honest. How can I even tolerate a person you woke me up that early because of?"
"Jimin I said watch your mouth! And if you won't get to work in 10 minutes I'm cutting you off from internet connection" she didn't just say that  "You're not serious" he responded finally giving her a frightened look "Oh, I'm dead serious, son"
And this was that important impulse which dragged him out of bed faster than speed of light.


"Shit Yoongi do you have to sweat so much?" said pissed Jaemin pulling his hand out of Yoongi'a thighs clasp and making a disgusted face which made him stress even more "s-sorry" was the only thing he could tell at that moment because he was too scared to even swallow his own saliva.

When they were so close to the big house that they could clearly see it, Yoongi nervously loosened the collar from his white shirt and looked down on the ground just not to look at still mad Jaemin.

Actually, when he was thinking about it now, Jaemin was always peevish and fussy. There were really not many moments where he was cute and kind.
But that's how Yoongi saw him. All cute and pure.

"Okay, ready? Just don't say something that could make them dislike you, I love you" he said and lightly kissed Yoongi on lips right after knocking to the door.


"Jimin, open the door, don't you see I'm busy?" mom shouted from the kitchen "why can't Jihyung open the door" he muttered being irritated as never before "but Jimin, he is five years old, don't be so annoying and open these damn door"
He sighed and slowly got up from the couch turning the TV off. With an indifferent face he went to the door and opened it without any emotions taking his time.

"Jiminnie! It's so nice to see you!" shouted Jaemin and hugged his younger brother almost making him fall on the floor "yeah nice to see you, brother" muttered Jimin.

He had never liked Jaemin that much though. He was always selfish and when they were younger he used to take away all the toys from him. It was the beginning of Jaemin being the enemy of Jimin.
But they were still brothers, so even despite his complicated characteristics he was forcing himself to be nice to him and always make him proud.

He didn't even noticed Yoongi at first but Yoongi noticed him and his forced smile, what made him frown a bit.
Why is he acting like this? Is something wrong with Jaemin or his brother?  was the first thing that came up to his mind after seeing this kinda sad image.

"Jimin, meet my fiance - Yoongi" Jaemin's voice and a delicate poke took him out of his mind and finally made him speak "Hi, nice to meet you, Jimin" he said and decided to take a longer look on his fiance's brother. He had such a beautiful face with deep eyes from which he couldn't take his eyes off and cute full lips. His whole person is cute he thought but then he mentally punched himself for even thinking that, because of obvious reasons.

"Hi" he responded with a shy smile forming on his face which immediately made Yoongi happier and he didn't know why.


This evening everything was perfect and everyone was having a nice time with their family.
But there was one thing which no one seemed to notice.
It was about two unfamiliar boys spending the whole evening with each other in the corner of the room and smiling as wide as never before.

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