something is wrong

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"Okay it's late, come on Yoonie, you'll escort me home" Yoongi heard drowned Jaemin'a voice but he wasn't sure about the meaning of his words at that moment. All that he was focused on was Jimin and their talk. He was focusing only on Jimin's voice, words and motion of his pretty full lips.
He was really scolding himself in his mind but this feeling was stronger than rational thinking then.
He knew it was wrong.
He knew he was fucked.

"Yoongi what's wrong with you? Didn't you hear me? We're leaving, I'm tired" he finally clearly heard a harsh growl apparently directed to him and suddenly woke up from the trance. Really slowly and unwillingly he took away his eyes from Jimin and looked at his mad fiance. "Yeah...okay okay, I'm coming" he responded and looked down on the ground "Jesus, get yourself together Yoongi"

He sighed heavily and looked back at Jimin's eyes again. They weren't as bright as few minutes ago. Now they were filled with sadness and disappointment what made Yoongi even more depressed. "Such a shame I have to go, but you know your brother. I mean you just can't say no to him" he laughed awkwardly and then got an amazing idea "Hey, I was thinking...would you give me your phone number so we could keep in touch?" Jimin's eyes brightened a bit up again as he nodded. He took Yoongi's phone and noted his number there. Why did he felt so happy though?

"I'll text you soon, okay? I'd love to spend some time together with you again" he smiled and slowly got up to finally join his more and more angry boyfriend. That freezing look in Jaemin's eyes seemed to burn a hole in poor Yoongi's body. This view gave him goosebumps. Jaemin was sometimes so scary.

"Goodbye babies! It was nice to meet you Yoongi, be careful on the road!" mom said happily and lively waved at them "My pleasure, ma'am. Thanks for everything, goodbye" then he looked at shyly looking on the ground Jimin what made him smile a bit "goodnight Jiminnie" Jimin looked at him and the only thing he saw was a pretty and pleasant smile before he left.
Maybe he isn't that bad he smiled to himself and laughed quietly remembering how the whole evening went.
"Isn't he amazing?" "he's okay I think" he responded  and shrugged his arms pretending like he's unconcerned.


They were heading to Jaemin's apartment. Yoongi totally spaced out thinking about this new met boy while his fiance was talking about cosmetics this whole time. At least this was what he thought. "Yoongi can you give me some of your attention?Really something is wrong with you today" he heard and saw Jaemin stopping in front of him looking irritated again. "sorry I spaced out I think"
"I see...Anyways, I was just saying that I'm quite happy that you and Jimin got along so well" he smiled and grabbed Yoongi's hands standing in front of his apartment's doors. "yeah, he's so...nice..." "and handsome! Remember that we look so alike" he laughed and didn't seem to notice Yoongi's concerned look "okay baby, I'm sleepy I'm gonna go now. Goodnight!" he said and lightly kissed his fiance on cheek "goodnight Jeaminnie, sleep well" Yoongi forced a delicate smile and walked away in his apartment direction.

What was the worst thing in this whole thing was him being confused as never before.
What was this feeling that he felt towards Jimin? He knew he loved Jaemin but his brother was just How to even describe him? Why was his heart beating so fast while thinking about Jimin? What was the reason?

Of course he knew the reason. But he just couldn't admit it to himself. Was it considered as cheating?

I need to talk to Namjoon.


Jimin slid down on the door at the same moment he entered his room and finally could stop pretending that he thinks Yoongi is just okay.
In fact he really liked him.





I'M OFICIALLY FUCKED he thought and sobbed covering face in his hands.

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