it's nothing bad

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"Jung Hoseok"

"What the hell, why are you calling me by my full name, what happened?"

"Yoongi will be my valentine"


"Nah stop, he loves Jaemin. Have you seen his tweet? Yoongi bought him a fucking Rolex!"

"Aw, are you jealous Minnie?"

"I'm jealous about a Rolex, I want it too"

"Of course, I don't believe that Rolex is the point here. You need to tell me how did it all happen"

"Well, yesterday I bumped into him on the street and we talked a bit, he said he doesn't want me to be alone on this day and that he'll come to me today to watch the movie we were supposed to watch together"

"You cheater! It's our movie!"

"Please, you chose Jin, you started it!"

"Okay okay, you got me there. So when will your date start,huh?"

"It's not a date you asshole...and it starts about 6pm I think"

"Sure, not a date, you'll end up fucking on the couch in your living room and you know it"

"Jesus I hate you so much, it's not a date"

"Jimin, how long we've known each other?"

"I don't know, 12 years or something like this"

"Exactly! See, you can't lie to me, I know you better than you know your own self, remember"

"Oh shut up, bye"

"Bye Minnie!"


Yoongi has been a total mess since yesterday afternoon. He couldn't throw away a picture of cutely blushing Jimin from his head.

He used to repeat to Namjoon that the boy is only a crush and it's not dangerous, that he loves Jaemin more than anything. He believed that a lie repeated 100 times becomes the truth but it wasn't that easy as it seemed to be.

In fact Yoongi had harder and harder times to focus on anything from his daily routine. He couldn't pay enough attention to work, even shopping became complicated. And when it comes to Jaemin, it was much worse. Their relationship changed a lot and he didn't know how to stop this.

"Yoongi, are you even listening to me? What's up with you lately?" said Jaemin out of nowhere. At least that's what Yoongi thought. Actually, he didn't pay attention to what he was saying at all. He just didn't care about what his fiance bought the other day for the money from his bank account. He didn't care about his skin condition or new gossips about Jaemin's 'slutty' friends "sorry I was thinking about work, you know there is a lot to do these days" he replied feeling a bit bad with lying to his boyfriend "so what are we going to do today?"
Yoongi wanted to absently say 'everything you want to' like he always does but this time something stopped him. He had to think about priorities but the desire of meeting Jimin was stronger than anything else. This chance just couldn't be missed "actually sorry babe, I have some work to do today" he pretended to sound sorry and it seemed that Jaemin believed in it "I thought I'm more important than your job..." here we start again "of course you are Jae, but they can fire me if I won't go there today" Jaemin only sighed on this "okay I get it, just go then" "don't be mad at me please" "I'm not, I'm just a bit upset but I know, your job is important, don't worry about me" this view really made Yoongi feeling worse than ever.

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