the decision

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"Wait Jimin! We'll figure it out somehow, just calm down!" shouted Yoongi, chasing Jimin through the crowded streets of Seoul. At that moment younger  boy suddenly frozed in the spot and slowly turned to Yoongi just to look straight into his bothered eyes
"I don't think I can handle this situation anymore, Yoongi" he cried and stuttered so much that the other one wasn't able to hear everything so clearly "I know, it's hard for me too.." "it doesn't seem like it was though" Jimin interrupted him and looked away holding up his tears.

Yoongi was truly hurt by looking at his sad lover. He knew he didn't seem to be worried about this whole situation but in fact his heart was breaking more and more every day. He wasn't able to remember when was the last time he slept the whole night without randomly waking up a couple of times. It was just too tiring for everyone.

He took a step closer to Jimin and raised his chin to make him look at into his eyes again "don't you ever say that again" another hot tears left Jimin's eyes. He wanted to run away, but Yoongi's hands was holding him too hard "why wouldn't I? You made the decision, Yoongi. You said you will make things right to let us live normally and now I'm finding out that you moved your wedding and it'll be in three weeks? What is going to happen after it, huh? Will we pretend that we are no one to each other?!" Jimin was shouting loudly through tears and Yoongi was no one to stop it because he was the one who caused all the pain "I think Jaemin knows...he told me about moving the wedding just today, so suddenly. And Namjoon was calling erenow telling me that Jaemin was asking him about our relationship, if we're close and all these stuff. So I think he knows"

"can't he just cancel it then?"

"I don't know, maybe he wants to prove us something"

Jimin sighed heavily and stopped struggling to free his body from Yoongi's grip. They both didn't know how much time passed before he menaged to say something peacefully "so what are we going to do? Is it over for us?" he said quietly and looked at Yoongi with red eyes, older one really wanted to cry "I wish we could just run away from here and live there together, only the two of us"

"stop imagining the impossible, Yoongs..."

Then Yoongi's eyes widened suddenly and his face looked even maniacally for a moment "why are you looking at me this way?" asked confused Jimin "why is it impossible?" Yoongi smirked and kissed his lover's lips so hard, ignoring people passing by next to them "are you crazy? What if anyone sees us!" Jimin pulled away after a couple of seconds when he realized what was going on "I don't care anymore. Let's run away. Just you and me. We'll be finally free!" he screamed excited and took both Jimin's hands "we are not teenagers, Yoongi..." younger one shook his head not being convinced about this whole crazy idea "so let's be teenagers once again. We didn't pass through our teenage years together, let's make new memories now" he smiled and pulled Jimin closer to hug him "we'll be happy there, I'll organize everything today and tell Jaemin that we're over, okay?"

"but what about him..."

"He's not in love with me anyway, our relationship was just a wont, nothing more. He'll find another person who will love him as much as he will. Think about yourself for the first time, Jimin. What do you want?"

"I want you..."

"So run away with me"

Jimin slowly made a yes sign with his head and it was enough for Yoongi to pick him up and turn around his own axis still hugging his lover "I love you so fucking much, you have no idea" Jimin just chuckled and delikately touched Yoongi's cheek "I love you too, you crazy idiot"


"I'm sorry..." were first words that Jaemin heard from his fiance when he opened the door for him "what are you talking about? What's the problem, Yoonie?" Yoongi took a deep breath and continued his thoughts "I can't marry you JaeJae..." he said and clenched his fists looking down to the ground. He was truly afraid to look into his (still) fiance's eyes.

"It''s a joke right? Say something Yoongi. You're joking?"

"I don't love you, I can't hurt you that way"

"I knew it! It's for him, isn't it? You're doing it for Jimin, you asshole!"

"Stop it, Jaemin. Stop shouting, people will hear you..."

"I don't fucking care about people, Yoongi! How could you?! You two are dead to me!"

"We'll leaving city anyway, you won't see us again. I hope you'll forgive us one day" Yoongi said his last words and left Jaemin's apartment and his crying owner for good. He felt light and freed. He was finally free.

He was finally able to make a new beginning with his true love.

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