as friends

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"So what time are you coming tomorrow?" Jimin has been on a phone with Hoseok for the past 2 hours and their talk still couldn't be called sensible or important. They could just gossip about random people or talk about clothes and newest trends in fashion for countless amount of hours "shit" he heard on the other side. Jimin abruptly stopped walking and dropped his shopping bag. Of course all products came out of it, what a luck that not many people was there at this time of the day and he didn't have to pick everything up right away.

"Don't tell me you forgot"

"Okay, I'm not saying anything"



"But you said you''ll watch 'Truth or Dare' with me, how could you!"

"Umm I think I said it like four months ago when you had a mental breakdown because of my new relationship with Jin, remember?"

„Are you really going to make fun of me now? I'm trying to be serious, you're breaking my heart"

"I'm sorry Chimmie, I'm going to the cinema with Jin"

"Okay okay, so I guess this year's Valentine's Day will be the worst"

"You hate Valentine's Day anyways"

"Yeah but you're making me hate it even more! I had a chance to spend it with my best friend at least and you ruined it all,thanks again"

"We'll watch it the other time, don't worry Chim...okay I need to go, Jin is so clingy today, I need to give him something good if you know what I mean of courseee"

"Hoseok please, I don't wanna know specifics from your sexual life okay"

"Okay okay,we'll see when you won't be so pure anymore, bye"


Jimin sighed and put his phone in a pocket of a denim jacket. He was about to start picking everything up when someone covered the sun with his body standing above him. Of course Jimin could raise his head to see who interrupts him and then shout at that person but he was feeling too down to do this so he just continued cleaning the pavement.
Suddenly the mysterious person crouched down next to him and started helping him "so what happened?"
he heard and felt warmth spreading out in his body. Wow, what a powerful voice Yoongi had to make Jimin feel that way by only hearing some random simple words "nothing serious, I just got a little bit mad, that's all" he answered and got up picking his bag up, but he didn't carry it for long because someone decided to be a gentleman and take it from him "yeah I see, you seem a little upset too, I'm worried" his serious face expression made Jimin chuckle quietly "I told you, it's nothing serious. It's just my best friend, Hoseok...he promised me some time ago that we'll spend Valentine's day together but he forgot and he's going out with his boyfriend,ugh it's pathetic I know I just didn't want to be alone this day" he sighed and looked down feeling a bit embarassed with what he has just said "so, what did you want to do?" "watch a 'Truth or dare', but now I have to wait a bit longer to watch it with Hobi" Yoongi stayed silent for a moment just to in a minute say something what surprised both of them "maybe you don't have to wait,huh? How about watching it together?" Jimin looked at him with incomprehension in the eyes "Yoongi...what are you even talking about?" "as friends of course!" he shouted excusing himself quickly, but it made Jimin worried even more "you can get in trouble Yoonie, what about Jaemin? You should spend this day with a person you love, don't you think?" "well yes,but you're my friend and no one should be alone on this day you know, it's understandable"

They both knew that everything what they were doing is wrong now. Yoongi didn't want to hurt his fiance and the last thing Jimin wanted was hurting his brother. But on the other hand they just couldn't resist the feeling which was growing so fast between them. The feeling which was much stronger than everything else on the world, than the leftovers of responsibility and the ability of rational thinking.

"You know that Jaemin won't understand, Yoongi"

"We don't have to tell him, right?"


"Jimin, I'm an adult. He is not my owner or something like this so calm down, we aren't doing anything wrong. Come on, it's okay"

"As friends?"

"As friends"

"Okay, I think it's okay"

"So see you tomorrow, prepare yourself for the best movie night in your life!"

"I gotta tell you I'm a bit excited" he laughed and a small blush covered his face. Yoongi just smiled on this view and lightly touched Jimin's arm.
For this short moment the whole world stopped for them and they both knew that they didn't want to come back to the gray reality which was limiting them really hard.

They didn't know for how much time that moment had lasted when it all finally came back and hit them with a big power "Okay I think it's time for me to go now" Yoongi laughed nervously and scratched his neck looking shyly into Jimin's still shining eyes "yeah yeah, same here" "see ya tomorrow Minnie" "see ya Yoonie"

What the hell am I doing, they both thought as they went away in two different directions after short but how emotional goodbye.

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