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As Ben Tennyson walked down a side walk he sighed, about a three years ago he gained the Omnitrix and became a super Hero. But recently his home town got demolished thanks to Rojo and her Biker Gang with the help of Six Six and Vulcanus.

After that his family had to move to this new city called Heatherfield thanks to his dad's work having an office there. "Please tell me there is something to do around here" he muttered, then took notice of a building nearby. Looking at a few people that went out he saw they were holding clothes used for winter. Though it's fall right now that's a little excessive "What's this place?" He asked before walking in, then saw it was an ice skating rink.

"Oh ice skating" he said, just then someone had tapped on his shoulder "Hey there" an older girl greeted him. He looked to her "if you want, the ice is always open to all" she said, at first Ben wasn't sure about ice skating but remembering how he went XLR8 on ice back in that Christmas village... he thought 'hey why the heck not'

Ben then smiled "sure, how much?" He asked, after running home getting some winter appropriate clothes he got a pair of skates and went out onto the ice. 'Okay just put one foot in front of the other' he thought trying to get the hang of it, in a little while Ben figured it out.

"Ha never skated a day in my life yet here I am" he said doing a little spin, "you're doing well for a rookie" a girl next to him said. Looking to her Ben saw a tall blonde girl, not as tall as him though, skating next to him... and backwards

"And I assume since you skate backwards you've been doing this for a while" he commented. "I've got a few figure skating trophies, try and keep up" she said turning around and racing ahead of him. Ben put on a determined smirk and sped forward "let me show you what I can do" the girl said before jumping in the air doing a triple spin and landing back smoothly.

Ben whistles at that impressed "Okay! You're good... but can you do this?" He asked before his eyes flashed green. The shapeshifter sped forward at blazing speed and passes the blonde then spun while sliding away and after jumped doing a double back flip.

Then landed with a Summersault remarkably, the blonde was stumped but shook her head. "Okay maybe you have some skills but it'll still take a lot more to beat me" the girl said before they raced forward. At this point they were only testing their speed "I won't be beat so easily" the girl grunted trying to head Ben off. "Well I never back down" he replied doing the same, however both were unaware of an employee calling out to them.

"Wait! Wait! The ice is getting thin!!" He yelled, but too late when both kids had slid onto the thin ice and had lurched down as the ice gave way underneath them. Funny thing, the ice skating rink here also doubles as an indoor swimming pool.

And as of right now both of them were at the girl's house getting warmed up "so... cold" She stuttered with her feet in a metal bucket filled with hot water. "Even though I've been in colder places... this is... the worst!" Ben added in complete agreement.

"Sorry we have to trouble you" Ben's mother Saundra apologized to the girl's mother and father. "No need to apologize, we should've known the ice would give way eventually" the mother had stated. After a good half hour the parents were about to leave "we'll be back you two, try not to make your condition worse" Carl said as both sets of parents left the apartment.

Ben was shivering uncomfortably "jeez... wish there was... a way to warm up... faster..." he muttered. "You an me both" his new acquaintance replied, Ben then had an idea as his eyes flashed green again. And for some reason the area around him began to feel warmer and warmer.

"Hey... it's... getting really really warm. Like way warm" the girl said smiling in satisfaction. "I guess the universe does answer to some wishes" Ben joked making the blonde laugh. "Hey, how about we both we start over?" She asked, "hi my name is Cornelia Hale" she said offering him a hand shake.

Ben smiled and shook "hi my name's Ben Tennyson, good to meet you Cornelia" he replied. The girl looked at him more before smirking "hey Ben, ever had a girlfriend before?" She asked. He blushed "Uh no... not really, I thought this one girl was interested in me" he admitted. "Really now?" Cornelia asked slyly "but turns out... it was just because of..." Ben hadn't known what to say considering he didn't want to reveal his powers.

"My looks... she didn't like me for me" he added, the blonde then frowned having felt a little guilty of making him remember that one incident with Kai. "Well, I think she missed out" Cornelia said putting a hand on his shoulder "I know we just met, but I can tell you're a good person Ben" she told him.

That made the hero smile "thanks Cornelia" he replied, "and, maybe we can go on a date" she added which shocked Ben. "Does this Friday sound good to you?" She asked, Ben shook off the surprise and replied. "Uh Yeah, that works great, thanks" he said, the blonde giggled.

And after gave him a kiss on the cheek making the poor boy blush even more. But didn't know that Cornelia pulled back holding her lips in pain, "Hey we're back... Cornelia are you okay?" The girl's mother asked concern. "Uh Yeah" she replied until her little sister came out from behind her mom and went to her older sister. "What's wrong with your lips?" She asked before pulling Cornelia's hands away to reveal her lips extremely red.

"Cornelia sweetie what happened?" The father asked as Ben could only stutter in mind break. "Ben are you okay?" Saundra asked as her son's head enflamed with fire, "Ben?!" She yelped.

His parents were already aware of his powers but they hadn't expected the flaming head.

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