Chapter 3. Blood?

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When it grows quiet and what is assumed to be late at night since no one can tell day from night anymore, small cries and whimpers can be heard.

Each and every wolf here has been brought to tears at least once in this dark and miserable place.

It is a torture in this place. We are all slowly losing our minds along with our lives.

I was surprised to hear cries, we all try to let our emotions overcome us when it believed no one is awake to hear us.

I guess sometimes you just can't hold it in any longer. The pain always needs an outlet or it will just eat you up forever until you go insane.

We need to be careful when we cry, if our captures hear us in a moment of weakness, they use it against us. They use it to their own advantage.

I hate listening to the cries around me being able to hear the pain and desperation in them. What makes it worse is knowing that there nothing that we can do to help each other, we can't shoulder the pain or any burdens for each other.

Some, like me are here with family members, which is both a blessing and a cruse for they can provide us with some comfort. Although at the same time we have to watch each other suffer, we know in the back of our minds that they could be taken at any moment.

It whispers to us all, licking at our minds that our lives are not our own, we don't get to live nor to we chose when we will die.

The wolves here, we try to hide our relationships from the madmen that have us caged here.

We have seen what they do to families, they make them watch the torture of the others.

It is heartbreaking.

My heart broke one day when I saw a father killed in front of his son, the cries of his mate. His soul mate was one sound that will haunt me until the day that I die.

You could hear it in her cries, one of her two reasons for living had been ripped out of her, a part of her died that day.

She didn't last long after that a day or three before she died in her cage.

Right in front of her son, and the worst part of it all was that they just left her there, rotting away in front of him. Playing a sick game with his mind until he lashed out and they shot him dead.

It had nothing to do with why we were being kept here; it was just some sick game.

I had heard stories that many wolves die when they lose there mates, I just never understood until that day, my brothers never really explained that whole mate thing too me, it was apparently too awkward for them.

All they told me that it was like your world was complete when you meet them, they are the other half of your soul, they moon made them for you.

It isn't love at first sight exactly, you still have to get to know them but there is a pull to them. There is something that draws you into that wolf, bonds you too them.

They said that they didn't know more because they hadn't felt it yet, but I feel it is also because our parents didn't explain it to them properly either.

I just get to hope that one day I am able to find out for myself what it is like, and hope that a knight in shining armour rescues me from this place.

Or should I say a wolf with shining fur?

I let myself fall into a short and uncomfortable, but well needed sleep why thinking of a future that I will not get.

But a girl can dream right.

I opened my heavy eyes when I felt something painful japing into my arm, it had taken me a moment to realise that I had been taken from my cage. I jolted and tried to move but I was trapped down.

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