Chapter 17. Run For The Hills

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"Do you think it's safe now?" The witch, she was the first one to break the tense silence between us. We had no words to speak to each other at this moment and to be honest we were all too scared to make a sound. But we had been seeing hunters return from the purple sign that damn stupid purple sign.

If they were leaving that means that it may be safe for us to make our escape, just like Anton wanted. Just like our families wanted.

I looked to Lucas, I wanted his opinion on everything if he felt as though it was safe to leave I would, but not without him. We may not be family but he is all I have left right now and I am not going anywhere without him. Not to be rude to the vampire or the witch but I didn't know them I don't know their names or anything! However, in saying that we have been through something terrible together.

Bonding us together for life through some tragic events.

"I think so..." Lucas paused looking up to the sky it was dark now, the moon was hidden behind clouds giving us much needed cover. It would be difficult for them to see us without torches. This could be our only chance.

None of us wanted to be captured again. I for one would gladly die before I let those hunters anywhere near me. Lucas looked to me trying to gage my opinion I just nodded my response. It was time for us to leave this place.

We climbed down as quickly and quietly as we could, Lucas leading us and the witch was once again on the vampires back. I wonder if they will leave us once we get out of here? A part of me doesn't think that they will, or the witch at least won't. We are safer together and hey, maybe we might get to know each other once we leave this place.

Bark was sticking to all of us as we reached the ground, leaves and twigs in our hair from being up in the tree for so long. Our hair was so knotted and dirty from our time in the cages that I think when we find a pack or even a coven, anywhere that isn't this place we would have to cut most of our hair. Washing it won't save it.

Now that freedom is so close and just in our reach I dream of having a shower, how long have I been without one? I don't even notice how bad I smell, how bad all of us smell. It is our normal.

We started to move slowly away from the tree that was our hiding place with the sign in our sights, well that wasn't what was in our sights it was the freedom beyond that sign that we had all zoned onto. It was our sole focus.

I was nervous to say the least without Anton here with us, helping us. He was the seasoned warrior, we are all just working off basic survival instinct and hoping for the best. If something were to happen I don't know what our chances of survival are...

I was so thankful about the darkness that was blanketing us, keeping us from sight. Especially when we were just mere meters away from the purple sign of heartache, that was the new name I had given it. I feel as though it is fitting.

It has caused me, well not just me all of us have suffered so much loss. We have also all almost died attempting to get here. And I have to ask myself, was it all worth it? I honestly don't know anymore. If none of this happened we would still be locked in a cage but at least we would know that Jordan, Conner and Bianca were alive.

Then, in saying that one-day one by one we would die eventually when we became of no use for these monsters.

Either way we were always destined to suffer, but I would rather die with my family by my side. But now I don't even know if any of them are alive. Is there is a chance that all three are alive? I mean I saw Conner get shot but was it a bullet or a tranquilizer just to knock him out.

So many questions without answers. I wonder if I will ever get the answers that I need, will any of us get closure? I wonder if the witch or the vampire had family here. Or were they alone with family waiting at home for them?

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