Chapter 25. Rabid Wolves

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2 months later...

The past two months have flown by, Lucas and I have been training with Devin who I found out was extremely good at his job as head warrior. I came home most nights unable to move because of how hard of a beating he put on Lucas and myself.

We train twice daily, once in the morning and once at night. Alan spends his days with the vampire Lorenzo and Wanda spends her days with a witch who is apparently a friend of the pack.

This is what the Alpha and Luna have called our 're-education' since we apparently didn't know enough about our own kinds after being locked away.

I mean who wouldn't forget almost everything they know after being locked away in a tiny cage for four years of their life.

Devin and Alice teach Lucas and I what we need to know about the werewolf world at night for our nightly dinners. That is one thing Devin will not budge on, all of us must have dinner together and somehow Alice got herself an invite.

Today just like every other day Devin had Lucas and myself spar before we both worked together to fight against Devin. We always had to fight Devin either together or alone, and we always ended up with our asses on the ground covered in dirt and blood.

We were only allowed to spar with each other or Devin, as we are zwolves. The day after we first shifted or wolves well they went just a little bit crazy. It was foaming at the mouth and attacking any one type crazy. Devin was the only one game enough to put the time and effort into training us and for that our wolves only trust him, and Alice. She sometimes spars with us, but as she loves to remind us 'she is a lover not a fighter'.

At night while Lucas and I are nursing our wounds Alice and Devin teach us what we need to know about our world, once they started teaching us it all came back. It was like someone flicked on a light switch in our minds.

We remember how you couldn't hold eye contact with a wolf above your status for too long without showing them a form of submission unless you want to challenge them and most likely die. How to keep our wolves in check, and how to not to let our emotions overcome and control us.

I remember the first day after we went savage on some random wolf that came by our cabin Devin had us in the woods all of that day, night and the next day mastering our control. We had to shift back and forth multiple times until it became like blinking our eyes, it also took us a little longer for it to stop being painful for us to shift.

Devin has been training our bodies hard to work on our control while Alice has been working on our minds. She noticed that no matter what after that first shift our wolves were always on edge, that were skittish and ready to jump out and kill at any wrong move.

Not that any one can blame us, our wolves went through something terrible, they were more dead then what we were. I am still surprised that we even got them back.

Alice makes us talk about what happened in there, to open up about our feelings so that we can process them and move forward. It is a lot harder said then done. My mind tries to block it all out and my wolf gets snappy when anyone pushes too hard on us. She hates the pain and torment I went through just as much as I hate what she went through.

The one thing we haven't brought up is the one thing we should bring up. Our families. We all walk on eggshells about that topic, none of us are ready to open that yet and release all the pain we still feel for them. A part of me is scared to talk about them and deal with it though. I feel like if I move on from what happened to them I would forget them.

Lucas and I already have a sibling bond with each other our wolves see each other as brother and sister and they test each other constantly always trying to make the other better but also keeping the other on there toes.

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