Chapter 8. More Cages

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We woke up to find ourselves in yet another cage. Another stupid damn cage. Haven't they been able to come up with something new yet?

The only positives were that in this one we were outside under the light of the moon, and that we were with each other. We weren't separated.

We could actually touch each other.

That thought snapped me back to my senses as I sat up and searched wildly for my brothers, I let out a relieved breath when my eyes found them. And for once I was able to smile. I could see them clearly and touch them.

That happiness I felt was brief, because now I was able to see what type of state they were truly in. This was the first time I have been able to see them clearly and it broke my heart to see them this way.

To see them as a shell of the person they used to be. I could see the bruises that covered them clearly, and just how malnourished they really were. They were literally just bones with loose skin dangling off them.

I always knew that this was what they looked like, because how couldn't they be like that in a place like this, but actually seeing them in this state is different then just knowing it.

I could pretend differently when I didn't see it with my own eyes.

I rushed over to them, stumbling along the way, trying not to trip over the limbs of other wolves. My legs didn't know how to work properly it has been too long since I used them. They were still passed out when I reached them. Most of the wolves were still passed out only a few of us had woken up.

All of us who were awake rushed over to anyone they knew, no one wants to wake up alone in a strange place.

I saw Lucas cradle his older sister, hugging her while he was crying. I guess he cant stand seeing her like that either, I mean who would be able to see someone they loved in this type of state.

A breathe away from death.

Lucas looked just like me better off then the rest we were still wasting away to nothing but we weren't as bruised as everyone else. Bianca must have done what my brothers did.

Protected him from this hell.

I didn't think about them long as Conner started to stir while I was running my fingers through his severely knotted hair, I was running my fingers through them trying to softly work out the knots without waking him, just like he used to do when we were young pups and I would have nightmares.

His head was on my lap while I had moved Jordan as much as I was able to, which wasn't very far I had his head on my legs. It wasn't much but it was a comfort just to have him next to me.

To actually be able to touch him for once in moon knows how long.

How long have we been here? Now that we were outside closer to freedom I thought about this, has it been days, months or even years? How many times have we been put into drug-induced sleeps, how long do they last?

"Little wolf." Conner coughed out, once again with blood. He really got it bad here, I don't think that I want to know what has happened to him for him to be coughing up blood almost all of the time.

He looked at me as if I was a ghost. As if he didn't believe what his eyes were showing him. He reached out to touch my check but dropped his hand only to engulf me in a hug, which caused the both of us to fall backwards while waking Jordan up.

I couldn't help but laugh, it felt so nice so to be able to hug my brother, Jordan who was now coming to his senses and getting over the shock of not being locked away in a cage that he was too big for jumped on top of us and gave us a massive bear hug. Putting all of his strength into squishing us together.

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