chapter 1: the bully

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(Franks pov)

/ I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock "great another day in hell" I thought to my self, and slowly got out of my bed. When I finally got up I walked to my closet and shut my eyes "today is just another day of brutal beatings" I enter my thoughts again. The reason I get beat up is because, well, I'm gay. Maybe they'll just kill me, that would be great. I couldn't help it, I started crying the voices in my head started to say shit. "Your worthless and you should just die, emo faggot" they say and I decided the were right. I grabbed the razor from my drawer, "Your fat" once, "You should just die" twice, "Just die already, faggot" my third and final time, for now. I really don't want to go to school today. I quickly got dressed, I wore skinny jeans a Green Day t-shirt and a leather jacket and hurried out the door being sure to say bye to my mom as I did so. I walk into school with my head down, and was immediately pushed into the lockers which caused me to fall to the ground and get kicked, repeatedly. It stopped when I heard whoever was beating me grunt and walk away. "Are you okay?" I heard someone ask "um y-yeah I'm fine" I lied and looked up to see a new person facing me. "You don't look fine" he said "here let me help you get cleaned up" he continued and I only nod in response. "I'm Gerard by the way" he said wetting a paper towel to wipe the blood off of my face "I'm Frank" I say and he smiled at me. I'm almost sure he was just doing this to seem like a better person, but oh well what can I do about it. Somehow in the process my sleeves rolled up revealing my scarred and bloody arms, Gerard's jaw dropped and he grabbed my wrists "how long have you been doing this?" he asked almost in tears. "Almost 4 years" I respond quietly, expecting him to laugh and make fun of me I started to cry. He pulled me into a hug "calm down Frankie" he said in a calming tone, but I couldn't I just couldn't I started sobbing harder. I cried until I couldn't breathe any more, my vision got fuzzy and Gerard was still trying to calm me down. "Shh Frankie you need to calm down you might pass out" he said hugging me tighter and rubbing my head, I started to calm down and he just kept me in his arms for a while until I was completely calmed down and able to speak. "I'm sorry I brought you into this" I sniffled "no Frankie don't be sorry" he said and smiled then continued "why do people beat you up Frankie?" he asked. "I-I'm gay" I say truthfully. "That's bullshit" he said and took a deep breath then continued "that shouldn't matter" he replied truthfully "Gerard I think I-" I say then stop myself. "You what Frankie? You can tell me it wont change the way I feel about you, I promise." he said "okay, Gerard I think I like you" I blushed a shade of crimson red he smiled and said "I like you too" then placed a kiss on top of my head. "Wanna skip the rest of school with me" he asked and I nod, then we leave. We had a great day and I cant wait until tomorrow to see Gerard again I smiled to myself and fall asleep thinking about Gerard.

(A/N yeah this is gonna be fun haha goodnight guys)

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