I'm not okay

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(Gerard's pov)

"Hey Frankie do you um wanna come to my place later?" I ask unsure of what he would answer. "Yeah I guess that would be okay" he answers, yay Frankie's coming to my house! "cool I'll meet you in front of the school" I say and he smiles and nods. I cant wait until school is over I'm so happy I get to hang with Frank, hopefully he feels comfortable at my place. Frank doesn't seem to notice my depression, or the fact that I'm an alcoholic, hopefully he never does. Maybe I'll tell him someday, but not today. Finally the bell rings signaling the end of school, I have all my classes with Frank so I don't pay much attention to my teachers so I haven't the slightest clue of what we learned today, oh well that's how it goes. Frank and I meet at the said location and start the journey to my house, it's not to far which is good. We get there and say hi to my mom then head to my room, he's really happy to see my room is in the basement "wow Gee your room is rad" he smiled briefly then continued with what he was saying "I've always wanted a basement room but mom wont let me" he laughed then stopped and frowned "what's wrong Frankie?" I asked worriedly. "my mom isn't understanding about my sexuality" he muttered "Frankie don't worry about what she thinks okay, you cant help who you love" I say planting a kiss on his forehead he smiled "thanks Gee" he sniffled. It was sad to think that Frank's mom wasn't understanding so I just hug Frank and whisper comforting things to him, it seemed to help because Frank eventually calmed down. "How are you feeling Frankie?" I asked "f-fine I guess" he said quietly. "Frankie can I tell you something that even my brother Mikey doesn't know?" I asked I was going to tell him about my addiction. "As long as your not going to tell me your a murderer or something like that" he giggled "Frankie I have d-depression and-" I stop myself suddenly not wanting to this anymore. "And what Gerard?" he asked very concerned well now I need to tell him "and I get drunk and take pills a lot, Frankie I'm an addict" I said before starting to cry "oh Gerard how long have you been doing it?" he asked his voice filled with concern "t-two years" I said. I wasn't going to tell him that I was using to cocaine, no way. "What kind of pills Gee?" he asked me "Xanax" I respond honestly "are you okay?" he asked "I'm not okay Frankie" I say in one breath. "I'm really not okay" I repeat. "Are you taking or using anything else Gee, it's okay I won't judge I promise" he asked " I, um I, well okay Frank I'm also using cocaine" I finally manage to say. "Is that all Gee?" he asked "y-yeah that's it" I say. "You don't have to stop if you don't want to Gerard" Frank told me "really? thank you Frankie" I say joyfully "your welcome Gee, just be careful okay?" he said I nod and smile. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad "I love you Frankie" I say without hesitation "I love you to Gee" he smile and then this happened he crushed his lips on to mine and we sat there kissing and enjoying the peace, this feels right.

(A/N yep that would sum up this chapter ill try to publish another update or two later today so long and goodnight killjoys- soulpunk_)

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