Famous Last Words

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(Frank's pov)

Gerard didn't show up at school today and I got beat up, not unusual. "Your still alive you dumb fuck? Just go and kill yourself already!" the bully shouted at me so that's exactly what I was going to do. I left school and called Gerard.



rin- "h-hello?" Gerard asked

"hey Gee" I say "where were you today?" I ask

"um I was um sick" Gerard lied

"you know you can tell me the truth right" I say

"you'll hate me" he started crying

"no I wont" I say

"I started using again Frank" Gee said as if he had failed me

"Gerard I called to tell you-" I started "I'm going to kill myself Gee" I finish


"Gerard?" I ask

more silence

"Gee?" I started to worry


"GERARD!" I started to cry

"I'm okay Frank, I just fell over" Gerard said

"Gerard, promise not to cry when I'm gone, okay" I start

"yeah okay" Gerard mumbled

"and never let them take the light behind your eyes" I say to him "I love you now and always okay Gerard, and don't be afraid to walk this world alone okay Gee?" I finish

"yeah okay" he was crying

"I love you Geebear" I say sadly

"I love you too Frankie" he sniffled

"goodbye Gerard" I say

"so long and goodnight Frankie" he said to me

call dropped

those were my famous last words. after the call dropped I shot myself in the head. I was finally gone, free of the horrors they call earth.

(A/N I cried while writing this this isn't the end (I promise) you'll see it has a better ending I love all of you killjoys- soulpunk_)

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