Saint Gerard

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(Gerard's pov)

I was really depressed today so I got into my stash of alcohol and Xanax, then cocaine, To say I was high was an under statement, I was complete fucked up. I couldn't comprehend where I was or what I was doing, I ended up throwing up and falling into the bushes, then off of the curb and right onto my face. Frank walked over and got me up and asked me what happened, as said before I couldn't comprehend so I said the first thing that came to mind "oh man I just killed so many plants" Frank snorted "alright Gee lets get you home and to bed" he said "But Fra-" I tried to protest but ended up puking again I felt Franks hand rub my back to comfort me and once i was done vomiting I said in defeat " I'll get better" hopefully. The next thing I know I was dressed as a priest, I mean come on man, "Hello I am Saint Gerard" I giggle and so did Frank and Mikey, "Gerard what drugs are you on?" Mikey asked me "um Xanax lots of beer and cocaine" I answer quietly. "Gee you promised you wouldn't do that anymore" Mikey said crying, Frank just looked confused "this has happened before, Gee why didn't you tell me?" Frank asked "I didn't want you to hate me" I answer with a shaky breath and I just had to have a panic attack in that moment, great. Frank looked apologetic "I'm so sorry Gerard, I didn't mean to upset you" Frank said "it wasn't you Frankie, it was me" I said. I didn't Frank to think he did this, he might hurt himself. I lean in and push my lips gently, yet passionately on Franks he didn't waste any time before kissing back. "Frankie will you stay with me tonight?" I ask "of course I will" he said happily and we crawled into bed and snuggled, we eventually fell asleep.

1 month later...

It only took me 17 days to get clean and sober. I was sick a couple days ago and tried to take some Nyquil, but Frank smacked me "Ow! Frank why would you do that!?!?" I had screamed at him "sorry Gee but your not gonna that that cough medicine, it has alcohol in it" frank had said "okay, just please don't hit me ever again and thanks for looking after me Frankie.." I told him and he apologized again and then gave me a kiss. Oh yeah did I mention Frank is my boyfriend, if I did then I'm saying it again because I still cant believe it!!! For the first time in a long time I felt like everything was going to be fine 'I'm okay, I'm okay now, but you really need to listen to me, because I'm telling you the truth I'm okay'

(A/N this is a pretty short chapter but oh well.. till next time see ya killjoys- soulpunk_)

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