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Bdon created a private chat with Ryro

Bdon: Kiss marry or kill, me?

Ryro: marry, of course

Ryro: Kiss, marry, or kill me?

Bdon: marry, obviously

Bdon: I guess we're married now  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ryro: I dont think thats how it works

Bdon: oh well

Ryro: Welp

Ryro: on a scale from 1-10, how happy are you?


Bdon: as high as my forehead baby :)

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Bdon: as high as my forehead baby :)

Ryro: yeeeah!

Ryro: youre so cute in your glasses

Bdon: :))))))) thank™

Ryro: ...

Bdon: wbu? Scale of 1-10 how happy are you?

Ryro:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ryro: im pretty alright. Im happy

Bdon: thats good

Ryro: Brendon?

Bdon: yes?

Ryro: 👀 ❤ ☝

Bdon: 👀 ❤ ☝ 2

Ryro: I love how you understand me lol

Bdon: lol yeah

Ryro: 👆 🔥

Bdon: 😒 👆🔥

Ryro: 👬✌®

Bdon: yes, we are

Ryro: you are more

Bdon: nOOO

Bdon: you're hotter and more good looking than me

Ryro: not at all. Im trash and always will be. You always look amazing while I just look not perfect

Bdon: Ryan?

Ryro: yes?

Bdon: do you feel that way about yourself?

Ryro:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Bdon: Ryan, youre gorgeous, ok? Please dont doubt yourself, because when I look at you I see perfection. Youre not trash

Ryro: thanks...my insecurity is getting better

Ryro: i think?

Bdon: I hope it is

Bdon: but promise me you wont bring yourself down anymore?

Ryro: promise

Bdon: and Ryan?

Ryro: yeah?

Bdon: youre beautiful

Ryro: and youre lovely

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