Arc 2: Possession: Chapter 5: Storm's First Mission

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Since, it's my birthday..... Enjoy!!!

And.... Er.... Sorry for asking this...But could you guys try to spread the word about this book? Sorry for troubling you!!! 😖😖😖Seriously, I feel really bad asking this. But please? Thank you!

I'm dropping a few bombs in this chapter.
...On second thought, two should suffice.
~~{At Fro-Og Village}~~

Storm looked around the village. Dirt paths leading to different buildings, weak looking houses, pens for different animals, different shops, no people around, etc. It looked like the basic village you'd find....just like the flyer said it would be. But there were no people around. Which was the second thing he found suspicious.

Blue sat on his head, playing with his hair. Something was off about the village and he could feel it. But he dared not to voice his opinion. A gut feeling told him to keep his mouth shut. And besides, he preferred speaking when it was necessary. They continued down the dirt path to the forest.

"Why is this village so deserted looking," questioned Nash out loud. Storm shrugged.

Despite already knowing he asked, "So what the heck are we supposed to do here again?"

For some strange reason he felt as if he was taking someone else's lines.

Reiki explained,"The flyer said that we have to go to the client's house at this address." He raised up the flyer,"It says that we have to retrieve some sort of lacrima crystal. We're to get further information about the request from the client. The client is paying 30000J. So I decided to take it up."

Storm tried to keep his facial expression neutral.

Reiki was also filtering his words. Storm could tell.

"Who the heck would live at the outskirts of the village near a forest?"

....And Nash wasn't.

"They could be a lumberjack family Nash," Reiki said covering up.

Nash didn't notice anything too strange yet.

They stopped by the house. It looked pretty normal.

Nash knocked on the door,"Hello? Anyone here? We're here for that job request of finding that crystal lacrima!"

No one answered.

Storm said,"This place looks deserted. Let's—"

Before he could utter another word, the door creaked open. There was no one at the door. Storm felt unsettled.

"Hey, misteah's. Are ya here fo' a job request," questioned a boy's voice. Storm looked down to see a little brown haired brown eyed boy wearing a brown tunic like shirt. The kid blushed and turned away from them saying,"Why is that guy naked?"

Storm looked down at himself, his eyes popping out their sockets,"EH? WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?"

Nash's face went pale.

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