intro part2

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Me:whew~ at least i finish it

M!bru: *still unconscious*

F!bru: already finish with your homework?

Neera: i don't have homework

F!bru: last chapter you said that you have to finish your homework

Neera: uh..what homework is it?

F!bru: *facepalm* really...?

M!bru: *eyes shot open & sit* than what are you doing all this time?!

N&F!b: wut...? Didn't you unconscious just now? *glares at him*

M!bru: uh...*knock himself & unconscious again*

Neera: weirdo....*turn to F!brunei* call the other to come here. If they didn't want to come, say that i will not give them nasi katok! Go!

F!bru: yes ma'am *solute & grab her phone to call other bruneian*


Neera: why they didn't come yet? *drawing something on M!brunei face*

F!bru: i don't kn-

[Suddenly the door burst open revealing the bruneian]

BF (brunei family not boyfriend): WE WANT NASI KATOK TOO!!!!!

B!bru: *awake* nasi katok?! Where?! WHERE?! *shoke my shoulder*

Neera: hey! Stop it you make me feel dizzy

F!bru: we will give nasi katok to you if you all introduce yourself

Neera: now the first one to introduce! Kuala belait!

KB: assalamualaikum readers! I'am kuala belait you can call me KB! My real name is amirul tajuddin and i'am very hard working than my brother!

M!bru: hey!

KB: you see, i was the one running our business(oil and gas) and that make me have many friends and connection with other countries than my brother!

M!bru: i don't know what to say now💢

Neera: pfft...*hi five with KB* good one KB

KB: i know

Neera: second one will be our tsundere temburong!

Temburong: shut up! I'am not tsundere! You stalker!

Neera: awww... thank you!

Temburong: *huff* Anyway, i'am temburong or syazuan tajuddin. Call me whatever you want. Its not like i care anyway

Neera: what if i call you my little tsundere *wink*

Temburong: whatever! *blush*

Tutong: awww~ are you blushing brother?
You are so cute!

Temburong: no! I'am not!

Neera: move on to the next-

Tutong: me! me! me! ME!

Neera: there you go!

Tutong: hi, there readers! I'am tutong the cheerful, the second cutest and the most happy-go-lucky in the family! My real name is syakimi tajuddin! Nice to meet you! *waves his hand*

Neera: great! Now the last one is muara!
The princess and the youngest one in the family! (Because muara is small than the others)

Muara: h-hi, i'am m-muara and my name i-is asyurah tajuddin. I'am very close to my brother-

Neera: why are you so close to him? *pout*

Muara: be-because my brother is the best and i love him!

M!bru: *tear of joy* awww... i love you too, sweetie! *hug muara*

Neera: don't hug her *pull muara away from M!brunei & hug that little cutie*

M!bru: hey, she's my sister!

Neera: *run away while muara still in arm*

M!bru: come back here and give muara back, stalker!!!! *run after me*

F!bru: wa-wait! *look at readers* sorry for the mess! See ya'll the next chapter! Bye *follow M!brunei with the others*

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