6 (video clip)

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Neera: *listen to aziz harun musics* *get an idea* ah-hah!

M!bru: *play ML with his siblings (boys)*

F!bru: *making food*

Muara: *helping F!bru*

Neera: * barge in their house through the door* GGGUUUYYYYS!!!!

Boys: *scream*


Neera: hey, its just me 😑


Neera: nah... i will do it everyday

M!bru: 😡

F!bru & muara come in yo check what happen.

F!bru: oh, hi neera! What are you doing here?

Neera: *excited* guess what! I have an idea!

M!bru: and that will be a bad one

Neera: *glares* no, its not *pause* umm.....sometimes?

M!bru: HAH!

Neera: ugh! Just drop the subject! I need your help! Here! *give F&Mbru clothes* change your clothes.

F&Mbru: why?

Neera: just change!

With that, both of them go to their room to change their clothes

Neera: you guys will help me too * explain my idea*

F&Mbru come out from their room just to see their family and friends already in their house.(already explain the idea to them)


nesia: neera invites us to come here

Asean: *nod*

M!bru: *sigh*

Neera: take this *give guitar*

M!bru: where do you get this guitar? you didn't know how play guitar

Neera: i borrow it from my (not-so-young)brother.

Neera: well, everyone is already here *stand in the middle of the room* okey everyone listen up! I invites all of you not just for fun.
Today i want to make my own video song "senyum" by aziz harun. I already forced brunei to be aziz harun in my video!(M!bru: i never agree to do this) and you all are here to help me finish making this video! No objection! IS THAT CLEAR?!

All of them: YES!

Laos: why do i feel like i'm entering the army?

Singa: agree...

Neera: now...*holding a camera* get into your position!

All of them: yes, ma'am!!

Cameraman: neera
The singer:M!bru
The girl: F!bru
Dancers: SEA family
Crew: bruneian family

M!bru,(boys), *what they will do*, translate

Neera: get ready everyone! In 3...2...1!

Crew: *start to play their instrument*

(You may start the video)

*M!bru start play the guitar*
Senyum, senyum selalu
Smiling, smile always
Senyum, senyum denganku
Smile, smile with me
Tiada seindah senyuman
Nothing as beautiful as smile

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