15 (girls life)

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In a very long time ago, girls in Brunei Darussalam never left their homes until they were 18 years old. From they born until they become teenagers, they never get the chance to go outside or even interacting with people other than their family member.

The girls were put in their house loft, which will be their bedroom. In the room the daughter's family has provided all the things they needed. They only went down from their room for bath and do chores.

If someone comes to their house, the daugther can not go out of the room until the guest goes home. (House with loft was called rumah berloteng in malay and if a family have house with loft thats mean they have daugther)

When the girl turned 19, they can go out and the loft will become a place to store food (the girl will never use it again and get their own bedroom). If they have new daugther, they will put her in there too.

(I get this info when i was taking care of kids when we're in museum)

(Excuse my english if there spelling mistake or grammar)

Sazzatul were looking out of her bedroom window, putting her chin in her hand and just stare at the blue sky. Sighing while shifting her eyes to the ground only to see forest and her siblings playing tag with each other.

Sometimes she got jealous of seeing her brothers playing outside when she's just stuck in the house doing nothing. Her mother were down stair doing chores and her father in the forest hunting or looking for firewood.

She began to daydreaming about herself going out,play tag with her siblings, travel around the world, seeing amazing things and meet new people. But sazzatul knew that she can't, at least not now. She's only 17. Her parents would not allow her to go out until she's 19.

Don't get her wrong, her parents always loved her and her brothers equally. And she love them with all her heart. Besides, its not like she's the only one who stayed in one place, every girl in her village too, stuck in their house either doing their chores or looking out the window like she did.

Her daydream was cut short when her brother syazuan interrupted her by calling her name. Looking at her young sibling direction, sazzatul give him a smile.


"I bring your food" looking at the plates sazzatul just give syazuan a questioning face. Wondering why'd he bring two plates. She can't eat all of them.

Syazuan just roll his eyes. Knowing that his sister will ask why he bring two plates. So before sazzatul could ask, he quickly answer her.

"Tch, i'm eating with you. I just know that you will get lonely" giving the other plates to sazzatul. Syazuan start to eat his food and avoiding his sister gaze.

Giggling at her brother behavior, she find it cute to be honest. She knew syazuan cared for her, he only don't like to show it. Syazuan was younger than amirul but he already act like he's the perfect big brother out of the three (author: first amirul,syazuan himself and syakimi the younger one). Always protecting them when they play outside.

Giggling again and start to eat her food. Enjoying every moment she have with her young (tsundere) brother.

Sometimes she would tease him by telling story about him throwing tantrum when their parents didn't allow him to take a chicken in the house when he small. He would blush and tell her to be quiet.

After finishing their food. Syazuan go down stair to give the plates to their mother to wash it. He come up again bringing a bowl with water for her sister to wash her hands and put it aside when she finished. He look at sazzatul who's looking at the window again.

"Kaka...." syazuan call his sister. She give a hum at him to let him know that she is listening.

"What will you do if you can go out?"

"Play tag with with you guys" she stop for a second "i always look the three of you playing outside. Its look so fun" she then look at syazuan with a weak smile while patting his head. He only give her a sad face.

"You're lucky to have a good childhood and know how to speak with people. If i'm talking to them it will be awkward, i might end up embarrassing myself" she chuckle at her own joke.


"KAKA!!!" He was interrupted by his young brother syakimi who is throwing himself in their sister arms giving her a hug.

"Ish, kimi why're you running like that? You might hurt youself, you know" Sazzatul scold him and he only give her a toothy smile. It was cute, she can't get mad at him longer. She give him a kiss in forehead and giggling at his cuteness.

"Kimi! How dare you leave me alone outside!" Amirul come and give syakimi a glare, who's replied with sticking his tongue out at him.

"Hmph! You act like a kid" syazuan roll his eyes.

"Well, we ARE kids if you haven't notice it yet" he says it in a matter-of-fact tone. Making syazuan roll his eyes again ( author: i swear his eyes going to pop out anytime if he keep doing it)

"Guys stop it" sazzatul tried to make them stop. She shake her head when they didn't listen at her words.

"Kaka..." looking down at her younger brother. He stare at her with his big brown eyes.

"Am i your good baby brother? I'm a good boy right?" He start to make puppy eyes. She can't resist from it, its too cute. she might die from cuteness overload.

"Of course you're good boy. You always help mother do chores" syakimi smile brightly at the answer. He jump off from sazzatul and run down the stair shouting.

"YAY!!! Mother, sister love me more!!! She don't love amirul and syaz! And she said i'm a good boy for helping you!!" He start to bark about it to their mother, making the other two brother stop from their fight.

They sprinted down stair and start another fuss about who's good at helping their mother and who's more loved, leaving sazzatul with her laughter. After a second she stop and look back at the window, the sky turn orange and a bit pinkish and purple. It really beautiful.

"If only i can go out...."


Should i continue? Or leave it like that?
If you want me to continue then comment down below. Vote if you like!

M!bru: wait!


M!bru: why am I not in this story?!

Why should i put you in this story?

M!bru: because i'm the main character of this book!

I don't put asyurah in this story but she's not complaining so stop whining!

M!bru&neera: *start to cat fight*

Muara: bye readers!! C'ya in the next chapter!

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