A Bar Named Poison

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**Warning explicit sexual scene between two men**


I watched Ione lay unconscious on our cream colored couch, her words still ringing in my ears. Jareth's scent was musky and from my ex-boyfriend as a reference he was a wolf.Fuck. Her brown hair was mussed up and her features were so peaceful. When Jareth had brought her home I was so scared that she would die. She seemed fine now though.

I finally felt my throat burn again. I guess the shock from seeing Ione like this numbed me. I haven't hunted in this town yet but it was considerably small so it wasn't a good idea, but with so little time I can't travel far enough out of the town. I planted a kiss on Ione's forehead and wrote out a note on the fridge white board 'Went out'.

I opened the door and stretched a bit before I began my run into the woods. My senses heightened as I let my animalistic side free. I must have been hungrier than I thought because I was already stalking a scent instinctually. I looked at the man walking, he seemed safe enough, all human, and...delicious. I quickened my pace behind him and I synced my steps with his, our feet hitting the sidewalk at the exact same time. My fangs popped out and the street light above him went out. I took my chance and lunged and I felt his warm body wrapped tightly in my arms as we rolled into the bushes. Before he could make a sound I pressed my lips to his and I heard him moan in pleasure. I slowly worked my way down his neck and bit deeply. I covered his mouth as he whimpered until he passed out I removed my fangs from his neck and bit my finger. I rubbed the blood over the bite and laid his head back down. If I drink like this in town then I should be fine, which reminds me, I need to make sure Ione is drinking enough. From what Jareth told me this vampire that hurt my daughter was relatively new. James is going to have to answer for that, but until then...

I ran to an older looking bar with a faded sign that read Poison. I walked through the doors and a large cloud of tobacco smoke hit me in the face. The bar was nicely furnished considering that the outside, seemed less than appealing, the walls were black with neon green murals of liquid running down vials like a mad scientists play house. The bar had a large dance floor with an expensive lighting system. I looked around for the bathrooms and made out the word Men's highlighted on a wall next to a booth of young 20 something's drinking smoking shots of green liquid. I walked swiftly into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I grabbed a handful of paper towels and ran them over warm water scrubbing my face clean of the man's blood. After I was done I adjusted my wavy short wavy brown hair so it looked more acceptable looking. My pale face was flushed with blood but I slapped my cheeks for good measure, my eyes were a bright red again. I smiled sexily into the mirror and adjusted my black button up and undid a few buttons to expose my chest. I walked out of the bathroom and made my way to the bar.

"I'll have what they are having." I smiled at the bartender pointing out the booth next to the restroom.

"Alrighty one house special coming up." he smiled back. He had beautiful clover green eyes and messy dark brown hair. He was tall and muscular but not too big like those stupid juice heads. I watched him shake up my drink and bit my lip, he made it sexy somehow... He eyed me a bit then poured out my drink into a shot glass. He pushed it towards me and poured himself one. " You're from outta town right?" he asked taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, I lived in New York for awhile." I replied also taking a sip. It tasted like an artificially flavored apple candy with a bit of a punch, not that alcohol did much to vampires.

"What brought you all the way here, um...?" he asked waiting for me to give him my name.

"Clifford, and I moved here to get away from the city, you know I have never seen stars before. Not like this." I lied casually, a necessary skill for a vampire.

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