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My alarm clock was ringing and I realized it was already ten o'clock. I leaned over and slammed the top button. I sat up and I noticed I had a wing boner. Basically it's a fairy's equivalent to morning wood but it's pretty. Ha! I waited for my wings to go away and I walked into my bathroom, I stripped off my boxers and jumped in the shower. I felt my body relax under the cascading water and my muscles relaxed. I reluctantly left the shower and styled my hair then slid on my deodorant. I walked out with a towel on my waist. I turned on the burners in my kitchen and cracked a few eggs into a pan. I made scrambled eggs and scarfed them down. I realized I hadn't called Clifford after our date and despite my dream being all about our first time I just can't get enough of him....

I checked the clock again and I considered going in early, I need a distraction so I'm not so clingy. The last thing I needed was for my amazing boyfriend to just slip through my fingers. I got dressed in my usual button up and jeans and I headed for the door. I felt my pocket vibrate and my ring tone started blaring in the vacant hallways, I was so tempted to dance but I realized that it could be someone important so I took the call.

"Jello?!" I said extending the "o".

" Hey, It's Amy. I can't come in today and I know you are going to be alone tonight but how busy can Mondays be, and I know you probably have better things to do but I'm really-" I cut her off there, girl could talk your ear off if you let her, hell even then.

" Amy, what did I tell you about rambling?" I asked condescendingly.

" Whatever, you'll be okay though right?" I sighed, it's true the bar is basically empty on Mondays but I don't like being in places by myself, I guess I have some type of isolated paranoia.

" Amy, you so owe me but.......sure." I dragged out the but to make her anticipate my answer, score one for the wicked bitch of the north, because she was a fairy.....Never mind.....

I jumped in my car and sped to the bar. It's a good thing I was going in early, I need to prep everything, I hate how Amy gets off so easy though because her dad is the owner, but I'm not going to complain because he makes me cupcakes when Amy is "sick". I pulled in to the parking lot and unlocked the doors. I went to the back and turned on all the lights, and the music. No use not having fun. I went to the DJ station and picked out Outrageous by Coucheron and put it on loop. I danced around as I wiped off the tables and everything and as I pulled down the chairs my phone started up again.

" Yola!" I shouted over the music.

" Hey baby, you busy?" Clifford's velvet voice purred.

" I'm at work but you are welcome to come down." I purred back.

" I would but sunlight is a bitch." I smiled, I knew my blood could help him but Clifford hasn't asked me for some yet. I would do anything for him at this point, he was even my first.

" Okay I love you Cliffy!" I cooed.

" Damn it I told you not to-" I hung up and snickered. Pissing him off is so much fun. I went to the bar and poured my self a Smoking Apple and leaned against the bar.

~7 hours later~

Goddamn Amy, she forgot today was girls drink free night. I have had to split up three fights so far and I've counted eleven passed out chicks thus far.

" Hey Sparkles!" I turned around and saw a girl with blonde hair and a fair complexion, but her blood red eyes said it all.

" What the hell do you want?!" I asked menacingly.

" A lot of things," she reached over the counter and slid her small pale hand up my arm delicately," like my boyfriend," she grabbed my arm and bent it causing pain to rip through my arm, I stifled a scream so I wouldn't cause a panic, " your little friends dead," she twisted even harder with each word, " and, your blood." she released me and I gave her a repulsed look.

" How dare you lay a hand on me you filthy bitch, didn't your creator tell you not to fuck with Fairies? I think your council will find it pretty interesting that you are in public shaking a fairy down for blood." I said through clenched teeth.

" I never was much for rules, and thus far my perception of good and bad has blurred a bit, I know you were James' source so I'll give you until the end of the week to fill up this," she pulled out a large glass tube and slid it over to me, " or Clifford, his little bitch and wolfy die." she said flashing her fangs at me.

" Tell me bitcherella, what is stopping me from staking you right now and warning Clifford?" I snarled.

" What can you do to me? Pour a drink for me?" she cackled like a dusty old witch.

" Hmm that's a nice idea," I picked up the bar hose and sprayed her with beer. She stood there shocked and I pulled out my match book. " Burn in hell you oozing skank." I struck it and threw it on her. She went up in flames but I knew she wouldn't give up easily so I forced the flames down her throat with my powers and she became ashes in mere seconds. I pulled the alarm and everyone cleared out as I pulled out my phone.

" Clifford please tell me you are alright." I cried hot tears sliding down my cheeks.

" Are you alright baby, what happend?!" Clifford shouted.

" No, a vampire came in and she was shaking me down for blood, I had to kill her but, she said you would die if I didn't get it to her by the end of the week." I screamed feeling my body shake.

" That's it you are staying with me until this is over, tell your mom to leave town and come straight over." Clifford said firmly. I closed my phone and I drove home as fast as I could. I ran up the stairs and I threw the door open. My mom was laying on the floor unconscious and a man was sitting in a chair looking straight at me. He had silver hair, with a handsome chiseled face, with the trademark red eyes that glared at me like I was food.

" You look just like your mom Jean-Paul, it's funny she said that you would help her and here you are. So, let's get this over with, Victor doesn't like waiting. I'll let you and your mom go if you fill this up." he tossed me a blood bag and I stared at him with pure rage.

I raised my hand and I forced water out of the sink and bathroom and it all rushed towards the vampire, I closed my hand and the water froze him in place instantly.

" Don't ever threaten me, my family, or anyone I care about, if it's my blood you want you have a fight in your hands, you can be my message to Victor, I'm not playing anymore fucking games you blood sucking pussy." I spat on his thickly ice covered face and I connected my fist to the ice, shattering him into a million crystalline pieces. I ran over to my mom and I saw her chest rise and fall slowly. She was still alive. I packed her clothes and mine as quickly as I could then I called my mom's friend Tammy, she was a half blood like my mom so I didn't have to lie, she said that she would be there ASAP and I just sat in the living room watching my mom sleep on her recliner. Tammy ran through the door and she looked at my mom and sighed with relief.

" Thank god you two are alright. Can you help me get her into the van?" she asked sweetly.

" Yes ma'am!" I answered, Tammy was very strict on respect. I helped her with the bags and I carried my mom down the steps to the van.

" Jeanie, are you sure that you don't wanna stay with me?" she asked once more through the window.

" No ma'am, I have to help my friends." I said. I gave her a half hearted smile as she she drive off. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks, I might never see my mom again. I'm not even sure if I will make it to Clifford's house, all this unknown is driving me fucking crazy. I saw fifty-four texts on the screen of my phone each one from Clifford asking where I was. I just finished packing and I went down to my car and drove to that familiar house in the woods. I pulled up into the driveway and Clifford flashed to my side embracing me in a tight hug and then a passionate kiss that made my feet lift off the ground......literally......

" Am I that good?" he asked playfully floating with me.

" You could say that..." I smiled leaning in again to taste him once more.......

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