Jareth's Father

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I was tempted to run after that little brat and teach her a lesson, but I can't day walk and I'm sure people would frown upon the way I would teach her lesson especially on school grounds. I turned my head to look at JP. He looked confused and I started to open my mouth when he finally spoke.

" Clifford, her name wouldn't happen to be Ione would it?" JP asked and I nodded my head.

" Yeah, she was the first person I blooded." I said slowly.

" And her last name?" he started looking pale.

" Laurent, um JP are you feeling alright?" I got out of my chair and pressed the back of my hand on his forehead.

" No I'm great considering my Aunt just said she heard us fucking last night!" he yelled with bitter sarcasm. " I feel so dirty."

" Your what?!" I exclaimed. I just slept with my friends nephew, I'm a pervert!

" My aunt Clifford! My forever sixteen year old aunt!" he screamed jumping out of his seat rushing down the hall. I followed him quickly and saw him rushing to get his clothing back on.

" JP, look, I'm sorry but come on, how was I supposed to know?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist.

" Look Clifford, this was a mistake I-" I pressed my lips against his and my tongue begged for entrance he let me in, reluctant at first but began kissing back passionately.

"Hmm seems like a pretty good mistake to moi." I whispered in his ear...


Last night Clifford and his friend robbed me of my innocence, I was tempted to shut the door but I didn't want to disturb their...play time. At the table I thought Clifford's friend looked like my sister Angela, he had the same eyes and his nose was shaped just like hers. But that was at the back of my mind. My injuries were healed but my pride and sense of security were in a comatose state. I saw Jareth and I felt safer as I rushed to his side.

"Hi." I said stopping in front of him. He looked at me but went back to staring out onto the school yard. " Jareth is everything okay?" I asked touching his shoulder.

"Whatever." he said and shrugged my shoulder off, he went inside and disappeared through the doors. what was his problem?

I went to my locker and removed my biology book from its contents. Clifford signed me up for the hardest courses the school offered, jerk. I walked up the steps and sat down next to a girl with purple hair and black lipstick. Mr. Owens started class but I was more focused on a boy with thick circle glasses that I saw hanging around with Jareth before. I thought his name was Conner but I wasn't quite sure. I ripped out a piece of paper from my biology notebook and quickly scratched out a note for him. 'Hey can you tell me what's wrong with Jareth?'. I folded the paper and flicked it expertly onto his desk. He looked at me and opened the note he shook his head and wrote back. He handed it to the girl with purple hair and she handed it to me. I opened it and it said ' He wouldn't talk to me either sorry I can't help you out.' I mouthed the word thanks and went back to thinking what I should do next.

All of my classes up to lunch blurred together as a big cloud of Jareth. I couldn't stop thinking why he would save me then just stop talking to me. I saw him get into the lunch line and I rushed next to him. We slid our lunch trays on the silver rails picking out our lunch,he grabbed a bag of chips, a slice of pizza and a chocolate milk. I grabbed a water bottle and finally I talked.

"Jareth, please talk to me." I pleaded as he got up to the register. He pulled out his money and shoved his change into his pocket. I payed for my water bottle and I sat across from him at the empty table he say at.

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