Once Every Month

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Jareth has been living with Clifford and I for a week so far, it seemed like a great idea at first, but Clifford and Jareth don't exactly see eye to eye. Last night they were fighting over the bathroom like two teenage girls, I'm a teenage girl and even I think this is ridiculous!

" Ione, Ione.... IONE!!!" Clifford shouted snapping his fingers. I was so lost in thought I forgot he was leaving for his date soon. I can't honestly say I'm comfortable with him dating my nephew and I know Angela would have a bitch fit, but I have never seen Clifford this happy before, JP must be doing something right I guess. " Well, remember blood is in the fridge, I have my cell just in case that flea bitten excuse for a dog tries anything. Oo and the stakes are next to the door in the closet!"

" Okay Clifford calm down." I said annoyed.

" Ione, I haven't "dated" anyone in over twenty-five years, I think I'm permitted a little bit of a freak out." he said looking straight at me.

" Oh look at that it's already 7:30!" I gasped dramatically.

"WHAT!?" and with that he was out the door, it was really only 6:45, but I needed him to shut the hell up. I walked into Jareth's room. We had snuck into his old home to gather his things from his room. The walls were a crisp mint green and posters of video games were pasted on the walls randomly. I stopped in the door frame when the sickly smell of vomit filled my nostrils. My head snapped down and saw Jareth cringing on the floor. A game controller a couple inches away from his hand.

"Jare!" I screamed flashing to his crippled form. I laid him on his side so he wouldn't choke on his puke and pulled the shaggy brown hair from his eyes. He was drenched in sweat and his forehead was on fire. " Jareth tell me what's wrong!"

"Ffff...ull mu..mu...mu...moon." he sputtered out. His eyes flashed blue and he started screaming.....


I slowed down to a stroll as I realized it was only 6:50. The cool air would be good for my nerves. I looked up at the starlit sky and saw the golden round orb of the moon shining in all it's glory. "I think JP and I should dine outside tonight, it really is quite remarkable." I sighed to myself. I realized soon that I was already at JP's apartment. I looked across the street and saw a supermarket. I crossed the street and I entered the crowded market searching for flowers. I found a dozen roses and slid out my credit card. I paid the cashier and rushed over to the apartment complex. "Let's see, through the door, or the window......"

I heard the door of the building open and saw a woman and a small dog on a leash walkout together. "Window it is." I chuckled. I jumped up the wall and sniffed the air for JP. Third floor middle window. I slid open the glass and slid in smoothly. I found his bed and laid across it like a sexy model. I heard his footsteps coming close and I felt excitement rush through my body. The door knob turned and a figure walked in. "Hey baby!" I said suavely.

"Excuse me?!" The figure walked into the light of the small lamp that was on and I saw a woman in her late thirties standing in the doorway.

"Um, this is not what it looks like!" I shouted holding my hands in the air.

" Hey mom should I wear the white tie or the, what the fuck!?" JP walked in and looked at me then his mother.

"Jean-Paul watch your goddamn language, and I told you if you were going to have a boy over you needed to introduce me first!" Angela, apparently, scolded then she turned to me. " My, you are cute." she emphasized the "are"...

"Thank you..." I blushed, or whatever the vampire equivalent is.

"Mom could I get a moment alone with him?" he asked impatiently. His mother sighed and shuffled out of the room, " Oh, I picked up those condoms you like, the strawberry ones, they are in your drawer!" she shouted from the behind the door. JP's mouth basically fell to the floor.

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