Dining With A Demon

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"Wow Clifford this pasta is divine!" the new guy said. We were all seated at the table, I sat close to Jareth, JP on my other side and an over protective Clifford scooched close to JP. The new guy sat next to Jareth but I knew he could take care of himself.

" Thank you, my mother trained in France and taught me a few things." Clifford replied breaking the hovering silence in the air. There was so much tension between Clifford, JP, and the demon it was crazy.

" That is rather impressive, mmmmm, now down to business," he was very polite but at the same time it was hard for me to like him, he just had a bad aura. I knew Demons present themselves as what you most desire but supernatural creatures could see his true form. The form that I saw was an exact copy of Jareth with animalistic yellow eyes almost reptilian. I chose to see him as he truly is, it is better that way. " now, JP and I will be hunting down a rather dangerous girl named Elura, and no Clifford this is not a trick believe it or not I work for the Crown." Clifford looked surprised and JP looked curious. The Crown, also known as the Council, is the supernatural government, they don't accept many creatures into their ranks especially demons.

" Why didn't you tell me that earlier?" JP asked looking skeptical.

" I didn't feel I had to, it's useless to argue with me." he shrugged. I didn't like the smile that spread on his lips. It was sinister, like it was hiding a secret.

" I want you to release him from his contract and take me instead!" Clifford said as calmly as he could manage.

" Why Clifford, why would I do that. If I wanted a vampire I would have taken one from our ranks." he smirked.

" Clifford calm down. I can do this." JP turned Clifford around and kissed his forehead.

" JP, this is a suicide mission, I will not let you go through with it, you are much safer here, with me." Clifford said looking deep into his eyes. I looked over at Jareth and he was sleeping.... I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes too.


"I'll take the kids to bed!" Clifford shouted rushing their limp bodies down the hall way. Raemond was looking at me in a different form. He had a purple streak in his spiky hair and his eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown. Clifford rushed in and sat next to me holding my hand in his.

" You think he's safe with you," Raemond snorted looking straight at Clifford, "there is a sick twisted vampire hunting all of you down, not to mention he is living with a werewolf and two blood suckers that wouldn't hesitate to drink from him if they were thirsty." Raemond snarled looking at Clifford who was ignoring my existence.

"I would never drink from him, and Ione wouldn't either, and as for the werewolf, he is well behaved." Clifford argued.

" Have you even told him what you have done to everyone you love?" Raemond sneered. Clifford's face turned into a mask of fear and pain and he looked at me with a sad expression.

" Don't listen to him, he's lying!" he said rubbing his thumb over my hand. I nodded and pushed telepathically into Raemond's mind.

' Tell me what you know.' I thought.

' Here, let me show the both you!' his true form's eyes flashed a deep red and I felt a rush of air.

We were in a stone room, I saw Clifford unconscious on the ground, James on the other side of him and Victor holding a girl. The words were muffled but I saw Clifford shout and I heard the word 'fiancé' and he lunged on her and drank her dry. Everything around me faded into smoke and it reformed inside of a ballroom in a large house, I could see Clifford walking around watching the couples twirl and I saw him meet up with James and Victor. The lights went out but I could hear the blood curdling screams. The lights flashed back on and all the people were dead except a woman, someone who looked like her husband and two children. Clifford walked over to them and killed the father first. " Bye bye daddy." he said coldly. His mother screamed but he snapped her neck letting her go limp. " Bye mommy." he looked down at the kids and picked them both up by their collars and they were crying loudly with fear. " Goodbye brothers." his smile was dark and he smashed their heads together causing their skulls to break agains each others leaving their heads nothing but mush. I collapsed mentally from the horrors I was seeing as the scene changed again.

This time we were in an apartment Clifford was chaining up a man and he started transforming into a wolf. Clifford sat in the chair across from the wolf and watched him suffer. Clifford had his hair oiled back and wore a pinstripe suit. He held a pistol in his left hand and tapped it on the arm of the chair. The man was screaming and vomiting on the floor. Clifford's mouth set into a wide smile and walked over to the wolf that laid in the man's place. "Christopher, you are such a good dog." the wolf snarled and nearly bit him. " Oh, Chrissy I really hoped you wouldn't go this. The council frowns upon wolves that can't control themselves I'll take care of you though, no need for them to get their hands messy." the wolf was letting out a stream of tears as Clifford raised the pistol. " Goodnight sweetheart." I wrenched my mind out of Raemond's and breathed in a deep breath of air.

" What happened sweetheart?" his eyes were worried but then I immediately remembered the terrible things I had just seen.

" Get away from me." I said firmly and I yanked my hand away from him.

" What did he show you!?" he screamed grabbing my arm hard.

" GET AWAY FROM ME!" Clifford's arm caught on fire and he pulled back. His eyes were a mix of pain and regret, but I remembered how they used to be, hard and cynical. "Don't ever touch me again, just, just leave me alone, I will get my things and I'll go." I scrambled to say, Raemond looked at me and walked down the hall. He came back a few seconds later with my suitcases.

" Jean, come with me." I walked towards him and I heard Clifford fall.

" Please Jean-Paul Laurent, don't leave me. You are everything to me." Raemond extended a hand to me and I took it.

" Goodbye Clifford." we walked out and I didn't look back.

Raemond opened up the door to his apartment and I was immediately amazed, it was modern and furnished well. It had white walls with large glass windows. The furniture was mainly black to give contrast. I never let go of his hand, it was warm and I could feel his thoughts emulate happiness, it was probably the only thing that kept me from crying.

" ...And this is your room." I realized he was talking and I walked into the room he gestured with his arm. It was much like the rest of the house except for the large mirrored walls that surrounded the bed. The room was large and had its own bathroom.

" Wow Raemond, this is spectacular!" I shouted, hearing my voice echo in the room. He smirked and walked out leaving me to myself. I pulled out my phone and saw all the texts and calls that were from Clifford. I sighed and threw my phone on the floor as hard as I could and snapped the lights off. I crawled under the sheets of the bed and closed my eyes hoping for an escape from this horrible night.

I saw a man running towards me, I recognized him as the werewolf that Clifford killed. His eyes were scared and brimming with tears as I heard a gunshot echo and blood spurted from the mans chest covering me in it. His mouth gurgled up blood but he managed to get in one word, 'run'. I started running as fast as I could but I could hear Clifford's laugh coming closer. I tripped on something and I twisted my ankle. I looked up and saw Clifford standing over me with long fangs and a hungry look in his eyes. "Goodbye sweetheart." I screamed and I felt myself being shaken.

" Jean-Paul wake the fuck up!" I opened my eyes and saw Raemond sitting on my bed. " You were pushing your thoughts out at me and I couldn't sleep!" he pouted walking out.

" Sorry Raemond!" I shouted out the door.

" Whatevs." I heard him mumble from the hall. I dropped my head and felt the darkness consume my head. For the rest of the night I only saw Clifford's face when I had burned him and walked away like he was a monster......

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I have had a serious case of writers block and laziness......

Anyway, the first person to answer this question will get a dedication for the next chapter. Would you have left Clifford or stayed with him and ignored Raemond's warning?

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