Chapter 2;

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Tori’s POV

The day went by excruciatingly slow. When the last bell finally rang, I made my way through the busy hallways to reach my locker.

“Going to the shop?” I turned around to find Mel leaning against the locker next to mine.

“Yeah, I feel creative. See you at home at around 5?”

“Sure, and don’t get too carried away. I don’t want a replay of last time.” Mel guffawed at the nostalgic memory. 

“No promises.” I sent her a hearty smile then ensued towards the school’s main door.

After crossing several roads and going through numerous dark, familiar alleys, I finally reached my destination.

 ‘V.P’s Tattoo Parlor’ was written in bold hot pink letters on a black banner above the small shop. On the outside, the walls were black and mild graffiti hung beneath the banner. The metal door had a bit of rust on the sides but still seemed strong enough to protect whatever was inside.

I walked into the place that I had spent oh-so-many hours working in. It looked the same as always, the walls were still falu red and were plastered over with my designs. The worn-out black leather couches were still in their places against the wall. The tables whose drawers normally contain my equipment were still stable and as usual, I was greeted by my cheerful-looking sister; Amber.

Amber and I by and large look exactly alike. She just looks a bit older considering the fact that she is 21 and I’m 17. The only thing that differs between us is the color of our eyes. I have grey ones while she has blue ones. But if I were to compare us, she would probably beat me at hotness level. Although, I am way sassier than she is.

“Rough day?” Amber asks with a concerned smile.

“Not really, I just kinda have my creative juices flowing.” I reply. That’s when she starts giggling.

“OH MY GOD, AMBER! YOU KNOW I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT.” I defended myself. I may or may not have become a tomato at that moment.

“Riiight, just have fun, and keep those juices flowing.” She sent me an amused then left the shop.

Oh lord. What did I ever do to deserve her as a sister?

I walked over to my signature table and pulled out a paper and pen and started drawing.

In case you haven’t already noticed, I’m a tattoo artist. And VP’s Tattoo Parlor is a place I’m proud to call mine. VP stands for Victoria Parker; my full name, because TP reminds me of toilet paper. I’ve had this place since about a year but I’ve been drawing since before I can remember.  Amber and I co-own it.  Unfortunately it doesn’t rake in a lot of money but I still love it dearly.

Amber and I had abusive parents so when she turned 18, we both fled. We were on the hunt for an apartment and that’s when we bumped into Mel. She was an orphan and had finally escaped that horrid place; aka orphanage. Throughout our journey, we decided that it would be best if we stuck together. That’s when we found the shop, and rented our first ever apartment. Luckily they were both really cheap and in relatively good condition which made paying for school much easier.

We were the three independent mofos. And I loved it like that.

Its true how time flies by when you’re having fun because before I knew it, it was 5 pm and I had to make it home to Mel and Amber.

I stuffed all the new illustrations I’d drawn into my desk and locked it. Yes, my desk had a lock.

I took one last look at the place I’d spent hours renovating and smiled. It wasn’t perfect but it was mine. I stepped out into the crispy November air and locked the door behind me. What can I say? I love locks.

I made my way back towards the school since our apartment happened to be right next to it. We really lucked out with our great choice of quarters.

You can probably guess who invaded my thoughts on the way. Chris fudging Nightly.

Chris’s POV

“God bless your soul Tyler.” I gulped down another shot.

 “I’m epic aren’t I?” He smirked while ordering another round.

 “Yeah yeah, don’t let it get to your head, you bitch.”

Tyler and I were at the bar. I obviously wasn’t about to show my face at Winchester Academy so I decided to call Tyler, a perverted friend, and tug down shots like my life depended on it.

My car had broken down so he very kindly agreed to take me to get wasted hence the blessing of his soul. And yes, I know that I shouldn’t be drinking at 2 in the afternoon but I just can’t help it, especially when Tyler is right next to me imbibing his fifth drink.

“How’s Olivia doing?” I sent him a wink. Olivia was Tyler’s friend, with benefits of course.

“Meh, she’s fine. Riley though, damn man.” He chuckled in clear amusement.

Yeah, we weren’t exactly loyal guys.

“It’s been so long since I’ve gotten a good lay. All my girls are amateurs.” I complained, to which he rolled his eyes. “Well, if you just worked a bit harder, I’m sure you’d manage to get laid.”

Now was my turn to roll my eyes. “Look, we both know I couldn’t care less about the ‘business’. That job is reserved for Blake and my dad. So fuck off and help me find a proper slut.”

“Only you would call a slut ‘proper’.” He chortled in merriment then pointed at a ginger in the corner.

She had obviously just gone through a heartbreak because her makeup made her look like a raccoon because of how smudged it was.

I’ve learned through experience that the more heartbroken the girl is, the more she needs male company, thus making my job much easier.

“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. God bless your soul Tyler.” I smiled gratefully.

“Yeah yeah, just go get her before I let her know what you’re actually after.” He smirked then got back to his drink. And that’s exactly what I did; I went after what I wanted, successfully if I may say so myself.

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