Chapter 6;

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Chris’s POV:

“Oh come on! You seriously need to get yourself a tattoo. I refuse to be friends with a whiteboard.”

“It’s okay; I think I can live without you.”

“Like hell you can’t. We both know that you need me to keep you in place. Now, why won’t you get a tattoo?”

 “Mind your own business, will you? Don’t you have better things to do than to bug me?”

“Well, I was trying to go find a new tattoo parlor but I need a ride aka you.”

“If I take you there, will you fuck off?”

“Hmm. No.”

“And why the heck not?!” I ran my hands though my hair out of frustration.

Destiny gripped my shoulders. “Because you are a ‘business man’ and in your business, you need tattoos.”

“I won’t get one and that’s final.”

“Just get in the car, we’ll discuss this on the way.”

I glared at her but she just had a smirk plastered on her face. Destiny tossed me my keys and walked out the door.

Destiny was a childhood friend. With skin a creamy shade of mocha and light brown hair, she is stunning. She’s kinda the only girl I know that I haven’t seen naked.

I slid into the driver’s seat and started up my Jeep. “Where to?”

“You know where MHS is?” I nodded. “It’s like five minutes away from there.”

“Okay, and I am not going to get a tattoo.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Tori’s POV:

“…. And then we kissed!” Mel wrapped up her story.

Apparently, last night I fell asleep before she got home so on this fine Saturday morning, Mel told Aiden and me everything that happened on her date. We were in VPTP (Victoria Parker’s Tattoo Parlor) where I was working my shift.

“You let that slimy vulture kiss you?!” Aiden remarked while standing up and slamming his hands on the counter.

“He is not a slimy vulture and he’s a great kisser, unlike some douches I know.” Mel crossed her arms. Aiden glared at her and she glared right back.

I was a silent observer and decided to stay not-so-silent. “What’s going on here?”

“I just remembered I have some stuff to do.” He muttered then walked out of the parlor. Well, more like stomped out.

“What’s going on?” I asked. She shrugged. “You do realize that whatever it is you’re hiding, it will come out sooner or later right?”

“I’m not hiding anything.” Mel stated, her voice wavered by the end of the statement.

I sighed, “You know that you can tell me anything right?”

“Yeah, don’t worry.”


“I’m gonna head back home, I still haven’t written my essay on feminism.”

“Isn’t that due next week?” I asked her.

“Well yeah, but I’d much rather finish it now than to write the whole thing in one night. Unlike someone I happen to know.” She raised an eyebrow at me.

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