ABDL Paul X reader

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(this is a request I am doing. I will not mention the person's name because I don't want to embarrass them or make them uncomfortable in any way)
(F/C)= Favorite color
Paul had quit the red army and came to live with you. He was scared of watching the other soldiers die or having to experience death itself. He was hanging out in his room, except he was doing something unusual. He was sitting in the floor, in an adult sized diaper, and playing with stuffed animals. His plush cat was a super hero and went to save his plush rabbit. He started making the plushes talk. "Save mwe supew kitty" he giggled as he was enjoying his alone time with his animals. He decided since he was home alone he'd turn on the TV. He put the volume on 15 just in case you happened to walk in the house and hear his TV. He found a cute little show with an animated cat that was showing and naming shapes. Paul picked up his cat plush that almost looked identical to the one on TV. He smiled "Kitty isn't a supew hewo, he's a tv star!" He giggled as he already imagined the cute game he'd play with all his plushes. He went to crawl over to his plushes, until he felt a slight squish between his legs. He whimpered at the uncomfortably warm sensation between his legs. He went to grab his pack of diapers and then...

You walked in the house. You set the groceries in the kitchen. You started to put them up. You put the milk and sandwich meat in the fridge where it belonged. You grabbed the canned vegetables and soup, then set them on the top shelf of the cabinets. After putting everything up, you went to clean the living room up. Your room mate, Paul, wasn't the most clean person. You found a few things laying around and put them where they belonged. You made sure Paul's sweater was put in the- hold up a second. He never took his sweater off. Then again if it was always on, it needed to be cleaned. You were a bit confused but you put it in the laundry basket anyways. You kept searching for things to clean up and put away. You were looking in the coach cushions and found...a pacifier. A red pacifier. You really didn't know what to do so you put it in the pocket of your (F/C) hoodie, and would ask Paul about it later. All of a sudden you heard a loud thud come frome upstairs.

Paul tripped over the blocks he forgot to clean up. He hurt his leg on the wooden blocks and began to whimper louder, as tears came to his eyes. After an inner battle he began to sob. His throat stung from choking back the sobs. He just let it out. He rubbed his eyes as tears continued to pour down his cheeks. You ran up the stairs after hearing your room mate begin to cry. You flung open the door, and what you saw was something you didn't expect at all. Paul looked up at you. Fear crept through body as he looked up to see your surprised face. It took you a moment to piece together what was happening. You sat down next to him slowly then pulled him into your lap carefully. You pulled the pacifier out of your pocket and slipped it into the wailing Little's mouth. You rubbed his back a bit trying to calm him down before you asked him anything. He looked up at you a bit shocked but, after a minute he let himself bury his face in your shoulder. "Paul, can you tell me what you were doing before I came in here?"Paul looked up in your eyes. He still had a few tears running down his cheeks. You wiped them away with your thumb and then you removed his paci so he could answer. "I was pwaying with bunny and kwitty" he said in a babyish tone. You were fighting the urge to coo. "Can you tell me why your upset?" you asked since, the first thing didn't really help you with anything.Paul whimpered a bit before replying "I fell over my bwocks and scwaped my knee." You looked at his slightly bloody knee. "How did you trip over them?" you asked. "I was twying to get a new diapie" he said before blushing. You suddenly knew what that meant. If he had to get a new diaper that only meant one thing. You pressed a hand on the front of his diaper and earned a whimper from Paul as you felt a slight squish. His eyes started to water all over again. You slipped the paci in his mouth before grabbing a new diaper from the box. You untaped the soggy diaper and begin to wipe him down.

After strapping the new diaper onto Paul you tried to think of a way to make him feel more comfortable. You grabbed a cat plush next to his other plushes. You sat Paul up and handed it to him. He happily took it and cuddled it close. You decided maybe you should leave him alone but as you began to stand up you felt something pull on your pant leg. You looked down to see a slightly upset Paul. "Stay...pwease?" he asked in his cute baby talk. You cooed at him a bit earning a cute giggle from him. You gladly sat back down. Paul handed you the rabbit plush. Paul took the kitty plush and made it act like it was flying. "I supew kwitty!" he said cutely. You thought a moment before saying "Super kitty help!" Paul giggled and made the cat land in front of the rabbit. "What's the pwoblem bunny?" he asked. You said "The tickle monster has got me, and now he's coming for you!" Paul looked a bit confused and only let out a simple "Hm?" You then started to tickle Paul. "Roar! I'm the tickle monster!!!" you heard Paul begin to squeal and giggle. You couldn't help but giggle right along with him. After a while you stopped and hugged your giggling happy baby. "I love you baby boy" you said aloud. "I wuv you more momma!" he giggled as he hugged you. You smiled and kissed him on the lips quickly and then slipping his paci into his smilinh mouth.

I hope you liked this short little story I made. Expect to see more like this (maybe).

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