Tamara X Reader

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(In this headcanon you move in with the genderbent Edd, Tom, and Matt. Tori moved away but only to live with Paula and Patrica, nothing bad.)(This is a request but I don't mention aybody's name. I don't want to embarass them)

(Y/N) your name
(F/S) your favorite show
(F/C) your favorite color

You were hanging out in your bedroom. You were doing the one thing that let you escape from reality and be whatever you wanted. You wanted to be a baby, a sweet little child. This is what you wanted more then anything and obsessed over it night and day. You craved to be a baby. Becuase this was impossible, you did as much as you can to able to act like one. You wore diapers when you were alone, and pull ups when you were around other people. Especially Tamara. You dreamed of one day being able to tell Tamara your feelings for her, but you knew that if you did, she'd probably turn you down or either dump you after finding out your little secret. Either way you were too shy to tell her. You decided you should go downstairs to hang out with your room mates. This way they don't get suspicious. You removed your diaper and slipped on a pull up with a "My Little Pony" design on it and a pair of denim shorts. You were heading downstairs to hang out with the girls (Ell, Matilda, and most importantly Tamara). They were hanging out in the kitchen. Matilda was whispering something in Ell's ear. Ell looked over at you with the most sly grin. You felt a bit nervous from the looks she was giving you. Tamara was no where in sight. "She must be in the bathroom or on the porch" you thought to yourself. You walked over to the table waving shyly at the two girls infront of you. Matilda giggled and Ell let out a muffled "Hey" from behind her hand as she was still trying to contain her laughs. You still didn't know what they were laughing about. Tamara then stepped out of the bathroom and saw you. "Well, look who came out of her room!" she chuckled. "How're you doing (Y/N)"she said a bit. You always got nervous talking to her. "O-oh hey Tammy" you stuttered. "I'm doing great, how about you?" Tamara smiled "Thanks for asking! I'm actually doing pretty well." she said happily. You were glad you came down. Tamara was in a good mood and you always loved seeing her happy. You started to pull up a chair to sit down in. Ell kicked the seat from under the table, causing it to scoot back and for you to land on your back. Ell and Matilda cracked up. You felt your pull up get soaked as you sat on the ground in shock, embarassment, and slight pain. You started to tear up. Tamara came over and sat on the floor to make sure you were alright. "(Y/N) oh my goodness,are you alright!" she said very worried. You burst into tears. "Honey go upstairs and I'll be up there in a minute" Tamara said in an angry tone.

After a minute of Tamara helping you up to your room, she ran back downstairs. You heard her yell at Ell and Matilda about being jerks to you. The wetness of your pull up was really starting to bother you. As you started to unbutton your shorts you heard your door open. "(Y/N) how are you do-" she stopped mid sentence seeing you in nothing but a wet pull up and a t-shirt. Her expression changed from a concerned look to a very caring and motherly look. "Awww (Y/N)" she came in locking the door behind her. You started to cry again and tried hiding your soaked pull up. Tamara shushed you a bit and told you she wasn't mad. "It's ok (Y/N) I'm not mad....I'm just concerned." she said in a worried tone. You felt her hand press against your wet pull up. "Can you lay on the bed for me?" she asked in a soft tone. "A-al-alright" you choked out. Your words being covered by your crying. You got up on the bed and buried your face in a pillow. "Can you tell mommy where your pull ups are at?" she asked. You blushed after Tamara had just called herself mommy. "M-my diapes awe in the box ontop of the dwesser" you said in slight baby talk. "Are you sure you don't want another pull up?" she asked, just to make sure. You nodded your head quickly as you wiped at a few tears running down your cheeks. Tamara finally found the hidden box you were talking about, with all your baby stuff in it. She pulled out a diaper and began slipping the wet pull up of you. You started to whimper and wanted to cry all over again. "Shhhh,it's ok baby" she said softly. You began to try to hide your face with your hands. Tamara lifted your legs and wiped you down before placing the diaper under you. She then taped it up and helped you sit up. "There we go. That wasn't so bad was it?" she said softly. You looked up at her still upset. "Awww, come on baby let's get you comfy" she said as she started going through your closet. She pulled out a striped t-shirt and changed you into it. It was loose fitting and comfy to wear. It also made it easy for Tamara to see if you were wet. She wrapped you up in a blanket and cuddled with you in her lap as she turned on (F/S). She slipped a (F/C) paci in your mouth and rubbed your back lightly.

"I wuv you mama" you whispered, your speech muffled by your paci

"I love you too baby" she said as she kissed your forehead.

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