Edd X ABDL Reader

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It was morning and you had just woke up. You had just awoke from a very terrifying nightmare. Your eyes were watering a bit and you did your best to choke back the sobs. You were very shaky and couldn't think straight as scenes from your nightmare played in your mind over and over. When you finally came back to your senses you decided to get up and go hang out with your cute boyfriend. When you sat up you noticed a very uncomfortable yet familiar feeling though. You had woke up with a wet bed and some particularly wet pj pants. You felt your cheeks heat up. "N-not again"you muttered. You started to strip the bed and remove the covers from the bed and took them to the bathroom where the washing machine was located. Afterwards you went to change your pants before they got wet and cold. You decided to put on another pair of pj pants. You threw the wet pair in the washing machine and headed downstairs. You found Edd in the kitchen cooking breakfast. He heard you step in the kitchen. "Mornin' " he said aloud in his upbeat tone. "Good morning" you replied in a not-so-happy tone. He looked over at you a bit concerned. "Did ya sleep well?" he asked in a slightly worried tone. You stayed silent as some scenes of the nightmare played in your head again. "Did you have an a-" he didn't even finish his sentence before you said "Y-yeah I did" you said embarrassed. Edd found out about your bed wetting problems a few weeks ago but wasn't mad or upset about it. If anything he was just worried for you. He looked at you sympathetically. "Did you put your wet clothes and sheets in the washing machine?" he asked. You replied with a simple "Yeah." He sat a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes infront of you. He had went all out for breakfast, just for you. You ate slowly feeling a bit upset, mostly with yourself. Edd noticed your slow eating. "Can you tell me why you keep having these accidents?" he asked. "n-no" you lied. "Are you sure?" Edd said in a not very convinced tone. Come to think of it you really didn't know why you kept having accidents. You were almost an adult and even on nights without the nightmares you  had accidents."I have no clue...honestly" you said. Edd believed it this time realizing this was a very awkward situation and that if you did know, you would have fixed it by now. After breakfast, Edd went to start up the washing machine so you had clean sheets by tonight.

Through out the day you and Edd just hung out chatting about TV and you helped him animate a bit even if you weren't the best. Edd and you laughed alot that day. But what really changed, was at night.

You woke up in the middle of the night sobbing. You'd woken up only 1 or 2 minutes ago to the sounds of thunder and heavy rain. Storms scared the crap out of you and Edd knew that. As you continued to cry you heard somebody open the door. You covered yourself with a blanket as you were scared out of your poor little mind. But...as you were curled up under the blanket you realized something. You looked between your legs where you felt a wet sensation but it was cold and must've happened while ago. The only thing was, you were no longer wearing pants. Edd must've put you in a diaper when you fell asleep. You felt your cheeks heat up as you had not only got put in a diaper but you had wet it. Not to mention you were sitting there crying your eyes out. The person at your door walked over to your bed and gently lifted the covers. You saw Edd's concerned face as he saw you crying. You heard him let out a small "Awww" as you were then scooped up into his arms. You felt your cheeks heat up again but gladly hugged him being scared of the storm. Edd sat on the bed with you still in his arms. He put a hand out for you to hold and you gladly did so. You continued to cry as Edd tried to calm you down. After a while you were sat back on the bed. You decided you lay down. You then felt a hand between your legs and you felt and heard a squish. As you started to whimper in embarrassment you felt something get slipped into your mouth. A pacifier? You suckled on it anyway. You were blushing like crazy but secretly you loved being treated like a baby but you were too shy to admit it. Edd left the room for a bit until he came back with a new adult diaper. You hid your face as you knew what was about to happen. You felt work being done between your legs. When you felt a baby wipe you started to whimper. He just let out a short and comforting "Shhh." When he was done you were in a fresh diaper and still crying a bit. Edd went to lay down and cuddle with you. You buried your face in his chest and sooon enough fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up next to Edd with the paci still in your  mouth. Your diaper was dry too. It took you a second to remember what'd happened last night. After a bit of confusion you heard Edd start to wake up. "Morin' " he said softly. You just blushed as he put his hand between your legs. "You're still dry? Good girl!" you blushed crazily. You then looked at Edd and whimpered "sorry 'bout last night." Edd just hugged you "Don't be.."

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