Jaemin is Jelous

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Y/n P.O.V
I was going to go to my practice room. Then I was stopped by my friend seungmin.

"Hey y/n wait up!" Seungmin said pulling my wrist slightly.

"don't you have practice?" I asked confused.

Seungmin started cackling and replied. "no today is our freeday did you forget?"

"oh I guess I pushed my self too much that I forgot the days" I said laughing it off

"Let's go now" Seungmin said smiling.

"what about Jaemin?" I asked realizing Jaemin isn't here.

"he said he'll come later" Seungmin said assuring me and I nodded.

We went into my practice room. We're still traniees. I just did a couple stretches. For 20 about minutes.

I waited for Jaemin to come.

"Are you sure jaemin is gonna come?" I asked kind of worried.

"why wouldn't he? Do you like him is that why you keep asking about him?" Seungmin asked slightly smiling at me.

"n..no it's just that he usually is early to come" I said trying to convince Seungmin hoping he'd buy it.

Then the nct dream members came in and I saw Jaemin my best friend and crush. I'm scared he'll reject me but I hate that I have a crush on him and we're both going to debut next year.

Without realizing as I was in my thoughts jaemin came over to me.

"I'm sorry I'm late the members wanted to come too and they were talking a while to get ready" Jaemin said pouting. (A/n: We all know dank well Jaemin takes a long time to get ready. 😂)

"Ahh it's okay nana" I said smiling at him.

We just waited till everyone settled down. We were all bored as we had nothing to do then I had a fantastic idea.


I yelled that I scared them all. Then they all agreed so the battle went like this.

Third POV

Round 1
Y/n vs mark

Chenle vs jaemin

Jisung vs jeno

Haechan vs seungmin

(Renjun didn't play since he injured his leg)

Winners of Round 1
Y/n won

Jaemin won

Jisung won

Seungmin won

Round 2

Jisung vs y/n

Jaemin vs seungmin

Then Y/n won and so did seungmin. Then the last round was y/n and seungmin.

I was getting tired at first till I got tired so I was losing strength then seungmin beat me.

"No!!!!" I said falling flat on the floor tired.

"Ughhh, Seungmin what do you want me to do for you???" I added on.

"Give me a kiss" Seungmin said smirking.

"Ehhh.... ok.." I said kind of hesitant

I gave seungmin a peck on the cheek.

"Done" I said as I backed away kinda stunned.

"Thank you!!" Seungmin said cheekily.

Y/n lost to Seungmin. I saw she was tired. I was wondering what Seungmin would ask her to do. Then he asked her to kiss him. I boiled up but was able to stay calm.

(Jaemin has a crush on y/n)

Y/n why don't you notice my feelings??? Do you even like me back??do you like seungmin??
Alot went through my mind.
Then y/n pecked seungmins cheek. It tore me up so I left to the garden.

Seungmin POV
I wanted to win purposely so Jaemin will get jealous and hopefully y/n and Jaemin will get together.

I saw jaemin go off by himself.

"Where's jaemin going?" I said as I saw Jaemins silhouette leaving somewhere.

"I don't know I think you should go after him Y/n" Mark said confused

"ok stay I'll be back and hopefully with jaemin" I said leaving

"fighting!!" Seungmin said randomly.

"what?? Nevermind" I looked back confused.

I went to look for him I went to the rooftop to went to their PRACTICE room he wasn't their I went all over the place then I went to the garden. And I saw him there.... Then I ran to him and back hugged him.

"Where have you been all of this time?" I asked hugging him still.

"why aren't you with seungmin don't you like him?" Jaemin said kind of cocky.

"Are you jelous?" I asked keeping in my laugh.

"n..n..noo" Jaemin stuttered.

"don't lie to me jaemin" I said playing with his hair.

I went in front of him and looked at him.

"Fine I like you y/n but you never noticed. but you already like seungmin so I dont have a chance" Jaemin said kind of complaining.

"I like you too jaemin don't ever assume that I like seungmin" I said smiling at the boy I fell for.

"Really then will you be my girlfriend?!?!" Jaemin said as his eyes brightened up.

"Hmm.. let me think." I said teasing him.

"Ofc" I said smiling at him.

He then hugged be then kissed me.

Yeah you guys should already know what happened their okk.

Then we stopped and stared at each other.

"We should go back" I suggested

"okay let's go"Jaemin agreed.

We went back to the PRACTICE room but it was pitch black. Then their were pictures coming up on the projecter and showed pictures of me and Jaemin together. Then we sat down and stared at then and cuddled together. Then it stopped. The others came in.

"Congratulations to the new couple!!!" The boys said coming towards us

Then we got up and then

"Kiss!!!kiss!!!kiss!!!" They were chanting.

Then jaemin kissed me again.

They took photos of us........

The end renjun is going to be next pls share this to your friends I'd be happy if you did .

6/16/2020 re-edited

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