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Y/n pov

I'm in the practice room with my best friend jisung. I'm just sitting as he is Dancing.

He suddenly stopped....and turned.....he looked at me....in he eyes...



"Do you like my hyungs?"-jisung

I was taken aback about the Sudden question. But I get it so I smirked.

"I Mean they are is handsome, cute, funny, and many other things..."-y/n

Jisung looked at me in a hurt way.

"Am I that too?"-jisung.

"Um... well yo-" I was cut off by someone running in and pulling me.

"Y/n!!!help me Mark hyung is scary!!!!!"-chenle

Chenle accidentally fell on top of me. He stared into my eyes and said "sorry y/n!"

He instantly got up. Then by he time I got up all the Dreamers were there already....

"Ohhhh! New ship?"-Haechan

"I think so...."-Jeno smirked

"I ship"-Jaemin

"Yeah I ship too!"-renjun

Only jisung and Chenle were quite. Why was jisung quiet???

~20 minutes later~

We were all laying on the ground with quiteness until someone broke it.

"Hey! Do you guys want to play a game????"-Haechan
"Sure what game?"-y/n
"True or dare...."-Haechan said with a smirk forming.....
"I'm down" the other boys agreed.

We all got in a circle and there a bottle.

"I'll spin first..."-Haechan

Haechan spined the bottle and it went on Jeno.

"Truth or Dare..."-Haechan
"I dare you to switch your clothes with jaemin"-Haechan

Jeno got up and dragged jaemin. We waited for a while until they came out. They actually looked really good in each other's clothes.

"Okay!my turn to spin..."-Jeno

He spinned the Bottle and it went to renjun.

"Truth or dare?"-Jeno
"I dare you to duck tape your hand to Marks hand"-Jeno

Mark glared at Jeno. Jeno just started laughing. After they got their hands tapped together they had to sit next to each other.

"Well.. I get to spin now...."-renjun.

He spinned and the bottle went onto....me.....

"Truth or Dare?"-renjun
"I dare you to kiss one of us"-renjun smirked...
"Okay close your eyes and I'll kiss one of you guys..."-y/n

They all closed their eyes and I walked around looking at them. Then I chose jisung....

I just pecked his cheek but as soon as I pulled away he grabbed my cheek and pulled me to kiss him on the lips.

"Are you done yet?"-renjun
"Omg! look she chose jisung!"-mark
"Give me the money mark! I knew she would end up with jisung!"-Haechan

They were laughing and I was about to pull away but jisung just pulled me even closer.

"Oof! They are kissing for so long!"-Jeno
"AWEE! HOW CUTEEEE"-Jaemin wuz fanboying

Jisung finnally pulled away. We were both so red....


I got up and was about to take off when someone back hugged me and said "I didn't want to miss my chance so I went for it..." I knew it was jisung.


oof this story is alright but it isn't my best. I wish I did better on this one-shot. But who should I do NEXT??????😍😘😍😘😍💕💕💞💞💝💝

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