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y/n POV
It was normal for me to work at my part time ramen store. I would normally see this boy he looks Chinese. He tends to come everyday. But today seems like he isn't because it's pretty late right now.

I guess I'm wrong look Well here he comes.

"Yes but I want two"-chenle
"Ok it will be done in 10 mins"-y/n
"Oh yeah can you bring them to my table"-chenle

Why is ordering two now?? Is he having a person over? Whatever not my problem. Our store is busy because we're pretty famous around here. But currently we only have about 3 customers in our store because it's pretty late at night.

My shift is over and I went to change into my normal clothes.

"Y/n before you go home please give this to that boy"-Manager
"Ok he asked me to bring it to him anyways"-y/n

I took the tray and gave it to the boy.

"Thanks for the ramen"-chenle
"No problem well I'll go"-y/n
"Wait y/n"-chenle

I heard him call my name. I'm confused how does he know my name?

"Come sit with me"-chenle
"Uhm okay"-y/n

I sat down with him

"So how did you find out my name?"-y/n
"I asked your manager I'm chenle by the way"-chenle
"Nice to meet you Chenle"-y/n
"So let's ask each other questions to get to know each other"-chenle

Oh so he wants to get to know me?

"Well you can start off"-y/n
"How old are you?"-Chenle
"What school do you go to?"-Y/n
"SOPA high school"-Chenle
"What is your hobby?"-Chenle
"Cool I love singing"-Chenle
"What languages do you speak?"-y/n
"I'm fluent in chinese, I know Korean but I wouldn't say I'm fluent, I know some English"-Chenle
"Do you live alone or with someone?"-Chenle
"Are you a trainee or an idol?"-y/n
"I'm a idol"-Chenle
"I never thought a idol would come here tbh"-y/n
"Well many come here secretly and they love the ramen."-Chenle
"Lol I didn't know that"-Y/n
"Are you a trainee?"-Chenle
"Yeah I'm going to release my mv in a couple days"-y/n
"Then why would you work here if you have to practice?"-Chenle
"I honestly train from after work to 6am"-y/n
"Wait isn't your shift off right now though?"-Chenle
"Early release today"-y/n
"Ohh lol"-Chenle
"Well are you solo or in a group?"-y/n
"I'm in a group called NCT I'm in Nct Dream"-Chenle
"Ohhh that's cool I'm being solo"-y/n
"Awe hopefully I get to see you when you debut. And what entertainment are you in?"-Chenle
"JINJJA same for me how did we never bump into each other?"-Chenle
"Remember I have training after work to 6am"-y/n
"Oh yeah"-Chenle

Checks time

"Well I have to go now it's almost 8 I need to go record"-y/n
"Ok I guess I'll see you tommorow?"-Chenle

Y/n went to Record.

A couple days later. Y/n was too busy to go to work. So right after school she would go to training. Chenle figured out she was busy because he asked her store manager why y/n hasn't been their. Her manager said she quit.

Today is the day y/n's MV comes out.
Many fans are waiting. Y/n is solo.






I was waiting for the notification.



"Wohooo Im the first viewer"-Chenle
*Imagine him sqealing*

(Listens to y/ns song like 50 more times)

Jisung barges into the room

"Yahh you listened to that song so many times in just two hours do you have a crush on y/n or something?!?!!?"-jisung
"Ughhhhh...... Maybe?"-Chenle
"Awe our cute Chenle likes y/n"-jisung
"Shut up jisung"-Chenle

Jisung leaves

Chenle thinks

Ahh y/n I miss you alot already. I haven't seen you in days. It's almost 5pm. I REGRET not getting your number!!!! Wait......wait......wait..... You told me you train after school till 6am.
I'm coming wait for me y/n!!!!

Chenle runs to Mark

"Are you going to meet y/n you kept listening to her song"-Mark

Chenle ran to SM since it's close. He ran to y/ns' practice room.

Aishhh it's been so many days. Plus I haven't seen Chenle ever since the day we talked. I kinda miss him tho.

"y/n you get a early day off ok go home safe"-Manager
"Thanks manager"-y/n

My manager left

I was just laying on the floor for a while. I closed my eyes. I heard someone come in. But I didnt bother.

I opened my eyes to see Chenle laying besides me staring at me.

"What are you doing here?"-y/n
"I miss you"-Chenle
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you"-y/n
"It's okay I figured it out anyways"-Chenle
"Store manager told you?"-y/n
"Yeah I asked her"-Chenle
"I missed you too so you weren't the only one"-y/n
"Your Mark hyung texted me that you listened to my song for two hours Is it true?"-y/n

Chenle got quiet for a while then he talks to me.

"How did Mark hyung text you?"-Chenle
"Oh I was close with Mark and Haechan before Nct Dream Debuted"-y/n
"Ahh oh yeah I forgot to ask for your number"-Chenle
"Here it's #######"-y/n
"Thanks y/n mine is ########"-Chenle
"Ahh ok"-y/n
"So why so early today"-Chenle
"Well my schedule changed since I start schedule when I get back from school now. The time changed and it's from after school to 10 pm now"-y/n
"Ahh so same amount of time?"-Chenle
"Yeah I just don't work at the Ramen store anymore I miss it more than I miss you"-y/n
"What I'll make you miss me y/n even though I love ramen"-Chenle
"Oh sure you can"-y/n

Y/n sticks her toung out. Then she smiles


"you miss me for sure y/n"-Chenle

y/n turned red

He kisses y/n on the lips.



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