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Jaemin POV
I'm behind Amanda....she's been my crush this whole entire time ever Since Middle School....she seemed to never noticed me...but I sit right behind her in class...

RINGGG lunch Time!!!!

I got up and walked out... I went to my group of friends...they all stared at me.

"Hey jaemin whats wrong?"-Mark
"Ermmm.... nothing...."-Jaemin
"Don't lie."-mark
"Okay! Well you guys know that I like Amanda ever since Middle School right?"-Jaemin

They all nodded their head.

"Well she never noticed me in all those years....so I don't know what to do....to make her notice me...."-Jaemin
"Umm....hyung you could start by finding out what she likes."- jisung
"How do I do that?"-Jaemin
"You could stalk her!"-jisung
"Are you crazy jisung!!"-Haechan
"No it's not me! It's jaemin! He's crazy in love!"-jisung

Jaemin glared at jisung as he said that. Jisung turned carefully to See Jaemins glare.

"I'm s-" jisung was cut off.
"your right....I am crazy in love... because she never noticed me.....I think I might go with what you suggested jisung...."-Jaemin
"Are you sure jaemin?"-Mark
"Yeah...she'll fall in love with me"-Jaemin said with a smirk forming.
"Becarefull of what you do okay?"-renjun
"I will...thanks for the help...."-Jaemin

Fast forward to after school

Amanda POV
I'm packing up now...I look back and see jaemin...he is looking at his paper...I decided to act like I didn't notice that.

One of my guy friends (DaeHwi) come over to me and says,"hey Amanda! Do you wanna hang out now if you have free time?"
"Yeah I have free time where are we going?"-Amanda
"Wherever you want!"-Daehwi
"Well I guess we can go to the park..."-Amanda said smiling at him.
"Okay let's go!"-Daehwi

Jaemin POV
I was looking at my paper because I was reviewing the homework. Then I heard one of Amanda's friend ask her to go out.

I waited until they finished talking then they went out of he class and I was fast to follow them. We had gotten into the park and I was walking near them with a cap and sunglasses on. Then I heard DaeHwi say something.

"Hey Amanda...what happened with you and-"-Daehwi was cut off by Amanda putting her hand over his mouth.
"Please don't bring that up anymore...and you know the reason to as of why I don't want to"-Amanda
"Oh...sorry I forgot...but you never told me what actually happened between you two..."-Daehwi
"That's in the past we can forget about it."-Amanda said starting to slowly tear up.

Italics mean jaemin is thinking.
So she must have been in a past relationship...well...

They walked off to a bench and sat there as I sat at the bench behind them.

"Daehwi...*sniffs*...it hurts alot..."-Amanda
"It's okay...you have us...we won't let him get you back...just cry in my arms and let it all out..."-Daehwi
"Thanks for being the best friend im glad I found people like you in this world...."-Amanda
"We'll do our best to keep that position...it's an honor to be your bestfriend..."-Daehwi

They were in that position for awhile... I'm guessing it'll be like that for awhile so I got up and walked past them with out looking at them to go get something.

I came back and they were still there so I sat down next to Amanda and put that item down then I ran off. When I was far enough I was catching my breath.

"Aish jaemin...that was close"-i said whispering...

Amanda POV
A random person walked off then he came back and sat next to me then he ran off... I sat up properly and looked at where he just sat and there was tissues...and a note

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