Renjun and The Shy Girl

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Renjun POV
I have been at this school it's my second year here since moving to Korea. I miss my friend I have a crush on her name is y/n. Does she remember? I don't know. She's in my class I but don't think she remembers me but today I'm going to ask her. Hopefully she remembers me...

(Renjun goes to his class and sees

I said I would ask her So here we go.

"Hey y/n do you remember me renjun?" I asked trying to be as straightforward as possible.

"y-yeah I remember you" y/n said slightly stuttering

People were talking because she rarely talked.

"Can you sit with me at lunch together today" I asked her politely.

" I guess" She said with a low voice.

Fast forward to lunch time

Renjun asked me to eat lunch with him. Well now it's time for lunch.

"Hey y/n let's go get lunch!" Renjun said coming over to me

"Ok" I barely managed to say as I am extremely shy. Especially around him...

We went to go get lunch. We sat at a table with his friends. For some reason they already knew who I was which was confusing.

"Hi y/n my name is Haechan and This is Mark, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung" Haechan introducing everyone while pointing at them.
I just nodded my head.

"By the way how did you know my name?" I asked in a low voice kind of shy. 

"oh renjun talks about you alot" The boy named Chenle said smiling

"No I do not!!" Renjun said getting red.

"He said he even has a crush on you" Haechan said smirking at Renjun.

"that was a secret Haechan! I'm gonna spill who you like!!" Renjun said half yelling half whispering.

I just stared at them in shock and decided to leave the situation.  I left to go throw away my food

"I'll be back"I said trying to leave

"wait hold up I'm going too!" Renjun said catching up to me. 

"okay" I said in a low voice.

Did the music stop? If so the replay it.

We went to go throw away our food. We went back to our table.

"Well I should head to class well I gotta go." I said getting up.

"Come on let's go y/n" renjun said too.

We walked back together side by side. We entered class and sat at our seat. The bell rang and the teacher came in.

"Class we will be doing a project with a partner I will pick your partners so it's Luis with Kay, minhee with jeongmin, .................... Renjun with y/n." The teacher announced.

"Aweee whyyyyyy!!!" Some students started whining.

"Stop whining About it now please go with your partner and start the project is due tommorow it's easy so if you start now you'll get it done by tomorrow" The teacher said whining.

Everyone went to their partner. Then Renjun came over to me.

"Well y/n since we're doing the project together wanna come over to my house?"Renjun said kind of shy.

"I guess so here's my number call or text we your address after school" I said shyly.

I gave him a peiece of paper that had my number on it.

Fast forward the last class ended.

"Hey y/n meet at 4 ok?"-renjun "okay"-y/n

I am going to tell her my feelings when she comes over. I went home and waited till it hit 3:30. I decided to text y/n.

To y/n
Hey y/n it's me Renjun.heres my address xxxxxx. See you soon.

Waiting for  3 mins

Checked ✓

Y/n is typing......

To Renjun
Ok I'll be their at 4 you don't live far from me so I'll walk.

Omg shes coming in a bit I gotta calm down. I calmed down. And I heard knocks I'm guessing it's y/n.

I walked to renjuns house. I knocked on the door. Then I saw renjuns mom.
She looked surprised.

"I haven't seen you ever since we moved y/n you look really pretty" Renjun's mom said face palming me.

"You look beautiful too" I said smiling at her.

"Come in are you here for renjun?" She asked

"Yeah" I said shyly.

"his room is upstairs at the left" his mom replied. 

I walked up stairs and turned then bumped into renjun on the way to his room. And we fell and I was under him.

I'm guessing you all know how it went right? Well that brang love. 💕💕💕💕💕💕

The End....

6/16/20 re-edited

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